Episode 16

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"Ohh.. It's my neighbour,'Austin'" I said with an innocent face. "Hai'Austin!'" he said and offered a handshake to Bella. "Hai Austin,"Bella!". Bella returned his handshake.

As Gin, Lexi and Sang was standin a bit far from us, I didn't bother to introduce all of them to him.

"Guys... We'll be late, the movie's about to start."
Gin shouted from the back. "Austin you wanna join us?" Bella asked. "No sorry. I have some plans for now." He replied. "Ohh no probs. Then we'll head in. If was nice meeting you. Bye Austin." Bella said and headed to Sang.
"I'll also get going." He said looking at me. "Mee too. And Thanks for the ride." I smiled. He smiled back...


Soon after I joined the group into the theater.
We seated in the 12 th row

Bella and Sang at my left,Lexi and Gin at my Right. I was fully immersed in the movie. For sudden I felt someone pocking my left forearm. Of course it was Bella."what!?" I whispered.

"We'll go straight to the Tynan's Park right after the movie. Gin has already arranged everything for his proposal. If everything goes well we'll head towards Hot and Sour restaurant for lunch."
Bella muttered each details in my ear.

On the other hand, even in the dark room Gin's nervous face was fully visible, which made me laugh internally.

Time passes by the movie finished and we decided to head towards the park. Gin was sweating soo bad. Sang decided to have a talk with him while walking to the destination. While we girls decided to be in our own world.

Author's P. O. V..

Sang took some step forward to reach up to Gin who was all tensed. "Hey! You okay man " Sang asked deliberately looking somewhere in the distance. "Um.. Yeah.. A bit nervous"."Don't be.."

"But what if she rejects me? What if she said if she don't like me?" Gin was really scared of getting rejected from his first love. "She won't. And if she does you won't regret in your whole entire life for not proposing to her. She'll accept you. Don't worry". Sang's comforting words does work on Gin.

They reached at the place where everything was decorated with rose gold foil balloons. The park was near the sea. So the sea was visible from there. "Woow...this looks amazing!" Lexi said.
"I bet it is." Aura joined. While lexi was moving towards the white beautiful fence which was leading towards the stairs which brings you to the sea.

"Lexi!" She head her name been called by Gin. "Yes
Gin, wha..." Her words got cut off by seeing Gin holding a small box with a ring on which small diamonds are railed. She looked at him in amuse.

"Lexi... I don't know if I'm doing it right or wrong.
But f-from the first day that we accidentally bumped onto each other to till now the moment you're standing in front of me..I-I really don't know how to explain this. But Lexi, my heart goes wild when I see your face.

And-And my stomach can't stop creating butterflies when you come closer to me. Also when your palm's were scratched because of me I-I couldn't sleep thinking how you'll do everything with the wounds on your hand and, and...." Gin was blabbering everything that's coming into his mouth about her, that he has been bottling up in his mind.

But his words got cut because of her sudden action. While he was talking all these things she understood what he's actually conveying. She tiptoed and gave him a peck in fraction of time, which made him stop blabbering. "W-what?" He asked not knowing how to respond in the right way.

"I know what you're going to say.
So...I love you!" She confessed first looking into his eyes. "I-I love you too". He finally managed to spit it out.

"Aren't you not gonna give me that?" She asked wiggling her fingers in front of him. He chuckled. "Ohh, I forgot.. Yeah of course." Gin pulled out the ring from the box and put it on her finger. "It's pretty " she mumbled. "I'll buy more prettier one in the future." Gin said at a leisurely pace. And by that he pulled her closer by her waist, "thanks.. For accepting me." He said in her ears. She smiled warmly looking in his eyes. They shared a romantic heartfelt kiss with full of love for the first time of their life.

Aura's P. O. V.

When it was time for Gin's confession, the rest of us moved to the garden area also we stood behind the bushes not to ruin their special moment.

As his best friend for more than a decade, we were also nervous about his first love life. But all of our nervous turned into amusement within seconds.
"What in the actual world?" I was shocked. "WAS IT THIS SIMPLE???" Bella said in unbelief. "Same question here!" Sang added.

The thing that left us speechless was nothing but, we saw Gin going towards Lexi with his ring box and saw him telling something in rush within seconds we saw her giving him a peck after that he put's on her the ring and they both kissed???

Like really? Is proposing and accepting this easy. Like everything happened under 5 mins. And of course it's a yes or no thing but still!!?

Anyhow we y'all went to both of them by congratulating them. Me and Bella went straight to Gin to give him a great hug for his bravery and then to Lexi to give her a small bracelet, as a token of love from us and also welcoming her in our trio group to expand it. Sang gave Gin a first bump with a wide smile on his face.

Aghh I wish I had a boyfriend.... I thought for myself..


Hello cuties and handsomes.. Hope you like this episode. Please vote and comment. And please forgive me if there's any spelling mistakes, I always miss type the letters🤧....Ily<3

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