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Anthony sat in the backseat of the car, his eyes fixed on the road that was travelling past him at a good speed, thanks to Franklin Nelson's driving. He watched street lights rush past the body of the car and felt them make a blinding streak in his vision. But it was very much visible even to the outer eye that Anthony's mind was far away from the street lights whizzing past him.

I've successfully made Wilson Fisk my enemy.

There was no going back from it.

Anthony, Nelson and Page had made their way directly to 15th Precinct Police Station, met with Brett Mahoney in private and had successfully filed a case against Wilson Fisk. Anthony had admitted to his crimes while also promising to testify in front of a court against Fisk and Kitchen Irish and turn approver. He had shown the video evidence to Mahoney which had convinced the cop to file the case. The unconscious men were also taken and cuffed by Mahoney. He said he would interrogate them when the regained their consciousness.

Yet, according to the rules, it was required that Anthony be kept under Police custody until the trail was held. He was, in fact, a criminal who had somehow gotten out of prison illegally. But it wasn't a very advisable idea considering The Kingpin's reach. Many of the cops couldn't be trusted and Mahoney himself nodded while they mentioned the fact. Plus, Karen Page stated the assassination attempt that was made on her when she was in custody after facing a murder charge.

Thus, due to all these reasons, Nelson pulled some legal strings and Anthony was allowed to roam in the city, for the next few days until the trial. His lawyers had decided that it would be best that he stayed in one of their homes till the trial, just for safety.

So, it was official. Fisk was being charged with crimes and Anthony was the sole reason behind it. It meant that in the next few hours or days, Anthony was going to be the key target in Wilson Fisk's crossfire and there was very little he could do about it.

Fisk might make all attempts to crush him under his thumb before the trial even began, Nelson had said.

"He would try to kill you or threaten you to drop the case." Nelson had warned Anthony before they got into the car. "He might even go easy on you at first and try to convince you to do so, offering many things to distract you. But don't give up on this. That is how Fisk works. That is his Modus Operandi and that is how he swallows his prey. So don't fall for it."

I've got nothing left to lose or gain.

Whatever Fisk had said, back in that mysterious room, felt meaningless to him now. Ofcourse, the man had promised him a life like before, with full immunity from the law and cops. And he sure will deliver on it, without a question. But he didn't want a life like before. Not anymore. His father was dead and every comfort Anthony had enjoyed under his shadow wouldn't feel the same without him again. They would just leave a bad taste in his mouth. So, no, that wasn't a very meaningful offer. Not anymore.

Anthony wanted a life for himself. He wanted a normal life. No drugs, no crimes, no more Kitchen Irish. Just him and his life. Maybe he could work somewhere and craft a life for himself. He wanted that. Can Wilson Fisk give him that? Never. Because ultimately, the man wanted Anthony on his side to serve his own personal agenda and being involved with Fisk would guarantee that he would get drawn back into the life of a criminal, at some point or another.

I don't want that one bit.

The car tyres screeched and the vehicle jolted slightly, pulling Anthony out of his reverie. For a few moments, he lost track of his thoughts. Glancing outside, he realised that he was back in the familiar areas of Hell's Kitchen. For some reason, the realisation calmed him down. He had to stay calm and enjoy it while he could. Because, it was a given that his life was going into step into pure chaos before the trial begun.

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