chaotic lemon bars.

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For about the third time, Harry adjusts his favourite apron and keeps the frown on his face as he stares at himself in the mirror.

This is extremely uncomfortable but he's been learning to try new things. He slowly touches his hair and playfully ruffles it with a small smile playing along his lips.

It's weird smiling at himself and he really wonders what he looks like when he smiles at others.

He sniffs the apron and appreciates one of his signature sprays lingering over it. It's not strong. It's easy on the nostrils.

Standing before the mirror, he tucks his hands into the apron and slowly shrugs. He adjusts his posture and appreciates the immediate difference as he stands upward. That's nice to see.

As he slowly studies himself, he checks his watch and notes that they have five minutes left before he can start scolding his girlfriend for being late.

To his pleasure, he hears the door open and Rana happily walks in with a bright smile on her face. Waiting for her at the entrance is Orange and she immediately picks up the pleasant cat with an excited coo.

Rana peppers Orange with kisses and she snuggles the chunky cat up as her eyes move to search for Harry.

"Hello Orange cat, my boyfriend's love," Rana smiles.

Calmly, she walks through the living space and sees Harry standing before the mirror. He immediately backs away from the mirror and buries his face in his palms, extremely shy.

Rana smiles at this and steps closer to him, still cradling Orange. He clears his throat and tries to stand upright, attempting a bit more confidence.

"You're here, hello," he blushes, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm a very early student," she replies.

"No, you're almost late. Early students don't arrive five minutes to class," he points out.

"Were you really timing me?" she pouts in disbelief.

"Of course, I'm a professional," he replies.

"But I should get the girlfriend treatment," she playfully protests.

"Is that where I treat you different from others?" Harry pauses in understanding.

"Yes," she smiles, calmly placing Orange on the floor.

"But, is that fair?" he asks, truly curious.

"It's not meant to be. Think of it as a discount, Mister Baker," Rana giggles.

Harry slowly nods and steps closer to him. He gently embraces her for a moment and tenderly kisses her forehead.

As soon as they returned from Astbury, he got busy with summer holiday orders and they haven't spend enough time together.

Rana softly smiles as he looks her over and admires her. He just wants to hold her all day and make sure she's okay.

"Am I a nice boyfriend to you?" he asks, concerned.

"You can be nice when you're not dragging my comedic skills," she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Do you want me to laugh at your not-funny jokes?" he frowns, truly concerned.

"Sometimes, but I only want you doing something you're comfortable with," she replies.

"I want to be a nice boyfriend," he shrugs.

It's starting to get clearer where this is coming from and she rolls her eyes, suppressing a smile at this pure soul she's in a relationship with.

He's the definition of making an effort and she's forever in awe.

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