mi amor.

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hello! please engage as you read! I love youuuu xx

Harry hums along to the song softly playing in the speakers and he realises that he has no idea what they're saying in the song.

It's in Spanish and he has never heard it before. The humming isn't intentional and he's just trying to stim his way through this process.

Rana's kitchen smells of deep flavours and Orange is calmly enjoying the moment. He pauses as he watches her garnish the dish and he happily claps in joy.

Small Paloma in all her glory and pride as she makes meals that represent her home. She turns to him with a warm smile when she's done garnishing.

These past weeks have been heavy and it's just nice to do something with his loved ones. The smaller woman wiggles her shoulders as she sings along to the enchanting music and he calmly follows behind her like a curious child.

Once she's done, she places a rich bowl of guacamole in the centre of the kitchen table and rinses her hands. Harry slowly nods in agreement and she gives him a sign as the music calmly fades away.

He follows her again and she gets herself a drink from the fridge with a content sigh. Harry shakes his head in disagreement, he's not ready to drink just yet.

"Did I tell you I dated one of the band members? Right before I met Baba," she pauses and dramatically turns to him.

"No. How...how can you not tell me that?" Harry is scandalised as they resume their conversation.

Paloma chuckles and moves closer to him in excitement.

As they've spent the afternoon cooking, she's been telling him stories from when she toured with bands as their photographer and he has a million questions.

"So she had just gone through a rough break up and she needed a friend," Paloma explains.

"Okay, but did you love her?" Harry asks, curious.

"Between South America and Europe, yes. But when the tour arrived in Asia, I found other interests," she replies with a light shrug.

Harry softly gasps and lightly taps her shoulder to keep her attention.

"You hurt her?" he asks, actually concerned.

"No, it was mutual. We're still friendly with a healthy distance," she explains.

"But you love Baba, yes?" he asks, just making sure.

"That one is stuck with me forever, I love him," she nods in agreement.

This makes Harry smile and he shifts closer to her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder as she enjoys her drink.

As they enjoy this silence, the main door opens and he immediately knows what this means. Harry stands upright with a bright smile and he lets out a groan that shows he's excited.

Paloma calmly studies how he bounces on his toes and rubs his palms in hopes of being reunited with Rana. It's pure watching him express his love for her child.

Right on cue, Rana slowly walks into the kitchen and inhales the sweet aroma of home cooked food after a long day with her students.

She smiles at the sight of her mother and boyfriend being adorably chaotic together.

Harry starts walking to her and he immediately pauses to turn to Paloma.

"Can I say it?" he asks, unsure.

"Hello to you two, what's going on?" Rana clears her throat, stepping closer to Harry.

"Say it baby," Paloma encourages.

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