Bad Idea! (Eddie Munson)

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(Story: you are remembering the "special" night you had with Eddie last night when you were both drunk and now you are wondering if you regretted it.)

Song: Bad Idea by Girl In Red.

You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and you were in somebody's bed. It wasn't your bed.

Your head was pounding and you didn't know what happened last night.

You tried to shuffle around when you realized their was somebody next to you.

It was Eddie "The Freak" Munson.

He was still sound asleep as he had his arm swung over your waist.

You were looking at his naked feature as the blanket covered him from the waist down.

You looked at all the tattoos he had and kind of admired them.

You were confused on why you were here.

Then you remembered slightly. You slept with Eddie.

"Oh no. No no no no!" You whispered to yourself.

"My reputation will be ruined if somebody finds out." You told yourself.

You swiftly moved his hand off your waist and climbed out of bed.

You quickly grabbed all your clothes and put them on. You grabbed your shoes and started slowly walking towards the door.

You heard shuffling on the bed and heard a muffled groan knowing Eddie was waking up.

You quickly ran out the room and out of the house hoping not to be seen.

"I just slept with Eddie Fucking Munson. Oh my god." You told yourself swiftly walking home.

When you got to your driveway you quickly ran inside and up the stairs to your bedroom.

You went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You were a mess.

Your hair was all messy and your makeup was smeared.

"I need to jump in the shower." You told yourself. You started the shower and took off all your clothes. You quickly jumped in and started washing yourself off.

While you were in the shower you were thinking about last night. It all came to you.

Eddie invited you over since he secretly had a massive crush on you.

You accepted it because you were bored and Eddie is a nice guy if you got to know him. 

Let's just say you and him had a few drinks and some things led to another.

Then boom you woke up in his bed, naked, right next to him.

You were thinking about it and you realized that Eddie was not truly bad in bed.

What if you enjoyed it? Wait? No! You couldn't! He was the school's freak and you were one of the most popular kids in school.

"I should have just never went over there." You muttered to yourself washing your hair.

While washing off your body you were imagining Eddie's figure over top of you.

How his tattoos glistened. How his hair fell perfect in front of his face. And his smile.

Oh his smile! It could light up a room.

"Wait.... I think I like Eddie Munson...." you told yourself.

You leaned against the shower wall and started freaking out because how can the school freak and one of the most popular kids in school like each other?!

You will just have to wait until lunch tomorrow at school.

-time skip-

You were in the lunch room sitting at the table with the jocks and cheerleaders talking to Jason.

You felt eyes piercing on you so you looked up and saw Eddie burning a hole through you with his eyes.

"Follow me." He mouthed to you as he got up and walked out the lunchroom.

"Umm I will be right back." You told Jason as you got up and quickly followed Eddie into the empty hall.

Once you got to the end of the hall, Eddie yanked you into the janitors closet and closed it.

"What the hell Eddie?!" You told him as he turned on the light.

That's when you realized how close you two were since the closet was very tiny.

"....Want to talk about what happened between us?...." he said looking down at you.

You sighed and looked down at your feet.

"Not really.... I kind of want to forget about what happened..." you said playing with your fingers awkwardly.

You heard him sigh and back away a little bit so you two weren't super close.

"I can't though y/n. It made me realize something." He said looking at you while crossing his arms on his chest.

"I think it was just a bad idea-" You told him but cut yourself off.

"....... I love you y/n...." he said quietly looking at you.

You sighed as you looked up at his face and then back down at your feet.

"...I do too but Eddie...... we can't be together...." you said quietly looking up at him.

You could see the sadness in his eyes as he looked down.

"...why?..." he said and you could tell the tears threatening to leave his and your eyes.

You slowly walked over to him and put your hands on his cheeks to make him look up at you.

"I don't want people to hurt you. Just because of me." You said with your eyes stinging and tears sitting on the edge.

He put his hands over yours and looked into your eyes.

"It doesn't matter what they think y/n. If we want to be together then we can be together. To hell with them if they say otherwise." He said cracking a little smirk which made you let out a little giggle and clear up the tears in your eyes.

"So?....." Eddie said looking into your eyes.

You gave a little grin before leaning in a giving him a passionate kiss.

You slowly broke off and looked into his eyes.

"I love you Eddie." You said with a smile which made him crack a smile.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you out the closet.

He then brought you over to the Hellfire table and let you sit on his knee.

You noticed the dirty looks you got from Jason and his friends but you didn't care.

As long as you had Eddie you were totally fine.

(Hoped you like this! 👹)

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