Parents and Doctor Visits

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Nakota's guest house four days later: Kierra and Johnathan are getting ready for their appointment.

Kierra: Jo, would you hurry up.

Jonathan: I'm coming.

Kierra: What's taking you so long?

Jonathan: Hey, I was not taking long. ( John says, walking out of the bathroom)

Kierra: Yes, you were. What happened to ten minutes? You're worse than me.

Jonathan: Baby, nobody's worse than you.

Kierra: Says the person who took thirty minutes to get dressed.

Jonathan: My love, you took two, and I know you don't have your folder. Where is your purse?

Kierra: I do have my paperwork. It's in my- Where is my purse.

Jonathan: Relax, you sat it down. I put everything in the car we're ready.

Kierra: Ok, then let's go. Wait, what about my phone? (He pulls her phone out of his back pocket.)

Jonathan: Got it, and I'm driving, so let's go so we aren't late.

Kierra: You think you know me so well. (she looks at him like she's unimpressed )

Jonathan: I know you as well as you know me. (He kisses her)

At the appointment.

Dr. Rolzanda: Ok, so you are four weeks today. How are you feeling?

Kierra: I'm doing great. I feel fine.

Dr. Rolzanda: Good to hear now. Symptoms are you experiencing any tenderness, and are you still having morning sickness.

Jonathan: Yes, her morning sickness is a lot more than the morning. I read that that's normal but is there anything I can do to make it better for her?

Dr.Rolzanda: I can certainly say I am impressed, but unfortunately, there isn't much you can do for morning sickness. Crackers and water maybe make the bathroom a little more comfortable, but most importantly, hold her hair and rub her back because it may not go away until later months.

Kierra was impressed by how much John knew and how much how invested in the pregnancy. Talking; with the doctor made her love him even more.

Kierra: I have also had midnight cravings. Will that fare throughout the pregnancy?

Dr.Rolzanda: I'm afraid I can't give you a certain answer. Your body will go through many changes. Cravings are a part of those changes. You may hate the food that you would typically love and love the food you usually hate, and you may eat food you never heard of before, and you may eat twice as much or just as little the hunger of an expecting mother is unexpected.

Jonathan: I also wanted to ask about the spotting she has. Is that dangerous?

Dr. Rolzanda: Spotting is common for this stage in pregnancy. It's nothing to worry about and is normal. We can do the ultrasound now if you two don't have any more questions. (They both nod)

Kierra: That'd be great.

Dr.Rolzanda: Perfect, I'm going to rub this gel on your stomach. It should not be cold because we heat it, lay back, and lift your shirt. 

Jonathan: That won't hurt her, will it. 

Dr. Rolzanda: No, Johnathan, she'll be fine. ( She places the wand on Kierra's belly and moves it around until she finds the baby.) there is your baby and here... is your baby's heartbeat.

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