Chapter 24: Division

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The next days that followed the setting free of Paul were met with awkwardness.

Paul was like the creepy uncle who came to family dinner and told all the wrong kinds of jokes. Turning people off and making the situation unbearable. For me anyway. Because Frank seemed to truly enjoy his company.

It wasn't so much the things that Paul said.

Actually, he barely spoke unless spoken to. It was more so his actions. The way he'll just randomly stare at you. Or push a stray hair behind your ear without you asking... and his hands will linger on you for an uncomfortable amount of time. And one time I swear I thought I saw him sniffing Beth while he was standing behind her.

It was small stuff.

Stuff that if I complained about - it would make me seem like I was being paranoid. So I made it a point not to be in any room he was in if I could help it. And I noticed that many others did the same, walking on eggshells in the place that we considered our home.

I was walking out of my room when I heard loud voices coming from our meeting place. I hurried in to find Cain and Frank in the middle of the room. Everyone else stood in a circle around the two.

I was shocked to see Cain holding Frank by the collar of his shirt, accusatory eyes narrowed on his sweaty frame. Frank squirmed in his position but was quick to yell back a response every time someone snapped at him. He held his chin high in defiance and agitation.

Will must have seen my confusion because he sauntered over to me and whispered into my ear.

"Beth saw Frank go downstairs, which is weird, and told Cain. And he found Frank messing around in the kitchen and hauled him up here. He was trying to open the door !" He stressed the last words.

I felt my eyes go big.

What in the world was Frank thinking?

He could have let them in. At least I still had my metal bat. He didn't even have his own weapon to fight with. They would have cornered him in seconds and ran into the building to finish us all off.

Azula was growling at Frank's feet. And if I didn't know any better I would say she was about to rip into him - teeth first.

"Keep that dog away from me!" Frank whimpered, clearly upset. He tried to kick poor Azula but Cain pulled him back. Beth rushed forward and pulled the big brown dog away by its collar.

"You idiot. I should let her bite you," Cain yelled.

"I just needed some fresh air. A person gets anxious after staying in a building like this for so long. I haven't felt the sun on my skin in ages."

Well open a window, I wanted to say. But I didn't.

I didn't want to get into an argument with the man. Laying low was the way to go, was the new motto I tried to go buy. Way more effective than the 'world being your oyster' crap I used to say. 

"Frank, you don't think! Reds. The flesh-eating zombies that have been raining havoc around the world could have been on the other side of that door. Does that ring any bells for you?" Cain sounded like he was explaining something to a toddler. "Those things could have gotten in and bitten your skin off."

"Don't zombies only eat brains," Frank said indignantly still being slightly lifted off the floor by his shirt.

"For your sake you better hope so," Will spat back, finally entering the conversation.

Leo snickered. "Good one bro, I was starting to think you lost your sense of humor." He held his hand out for a high five only to be met with Will's hard stare.

The Days Are Tired (Book #1 of the Dark Skies series) - A Zombie storyWhere stories live. Discover now