February 12, 2015

145 4 1

Time Skip 1

Dear Journal,

This is my time Skip journal.  I like to think of my life as time skips.  It's sort of like the months of the year, or a chapter of a book.  They are both a part of something bigger.  Time skips are a part of my life.  Time skip 1 is from when I was born to now.  When I finish writing this, time skip 2 will start.  That's the best I can explain it.

I'm 13 currently.  I don't know how old I will be when I decide to stop writing about my time skips.  I hope I don't.  I wonder what I will write about in the future.

Anyways, I decided to end time skip 1 here because I think something big has happened.  I went to a shop today.  It was a small cute one.  I got this time skip journal from it.  I also met a girl.  She was pretty.  What am I saying?  She IS pretty.  My gay side is showing.  Sorry about that lol. 

Back to the story, I got her number!  I think we are going to be great friends!  I texted her a few hours ago and we got to know each other a bit before she had to go help her parents with something.  I learned that she is German!  That's really cool!  Maybe she could teach me some German one day.

It must be hard for her to live here when she grew up somewhere else.  I wonder how she does it.  I bet she is really strong because of it.  She is really sweet though.  Her voice is like flowers.  That's the best way I can explain it.  She is also 13!  Like me!  Maybe we will end up going to the same school in the fall!  I hope so.

I wonder if we will continue to be friends in the future!  I sure hope we are.  I hope we get really close.  Like as close as my mom and her best friend are!  Maybe closer!  I want to grow up with her.  She is my first friend!  Going 13 years without friends was hard but hopefully that ends now!

I've written a lot today.  Most of it was about her.  Have I even told you her name?  I don't think I have.  Her name is Nikita!  She likes to be called Niki though as a nickname!  I'm gonna think of a better nickname for her one day!

There I go rambling again.  Sorry about that!  I've written so much that my hand now hurts!  I haven't even gotten to talk about my past yet!  That's fine!  It's not that important.  I think my hand can survive for a small summary of it though!

I grew up in a normal sized house just outside of Brighton!  I live in the UK if you haven't figured that out yet.  Anyways, I've lived in this house since I was born.  I live with my parents.  They aren't the best if I'm going to be honest.  I'm sure they just want what's best for me!  Even if that takes constant yelling and telling me how to live.  I'm sure they are just worried about me getting hurt though!

I'm feeling a bit tired now!  I'm going to go to sleep now!  Bye!


Time Skips - Nihachu x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now