November 23, 2017

82 4 0

Time Skip 3

Dear Journal,

It's time for time skip 3. This time skip is shorter than the ones before it. That's fine though! Lots has happened.

I'm still 15 and I did end up in an orphanage. My school didn't change so I was still able to see Niki. Thank god for that. I don't think I would have survived without her.

I had gone back to my parents' house and gotten my stuff.  It had all been at the orphanage until I got adopted.  Yep!  I got adopted!  I got adopted by an 18 year old named Theo.  We act more like siblings than father and daughter.  It's really fun living with him!  We get pizza every Friday and salads every Wednesday.  Both from some restaurant.  On all of the other days we make dinner together.  I like having a schedule for what we eat and when because it seem more organized.  It's also just nicer.  Theo is also gay which made it really easy to come out to him!  He doesn't have a boyfriend yet but I'm sure he will get one eventually.  

I've still been hanging out with Niki as much as possible.  Theo joins us when he doesn't have work.  I still go to the same school even though I got adopted.  Niki and I are still as close as ever and like to sit together at lunch.  We also decided to dedicate every Saturday to baking with Theo.  Niki comes over and we always bake something.  We made a cake last Saturday.  We ate it that night.  All of it lol.  We all felt sick after and Niki ended up staying the night.

Anyways, I'm worried that I like Niki.  I mean, I always have thought that she is pretty but now it's more than that.  I think I'll have to ask Theo about it at some point.  Yeah, I'll do that.  I seem to feel more nervous around her.  I think I'll hide this though.  I don't want it to ruin our friendship.  Our friendship is perfect and I don't want these feeling to ruin that.

Also!  Niki has gotten way more into YouTube!  She has started trying to edit videos.  She says she wants to start out as an editor for someone's YouTube channel before she actually starts making YouTube videos.  I've been learning along with her.  It's like bonding.  We learn together whenever we can.  Well, not whenever we can but whenever we want to.  It's super fun!  I think I will be her editor whenever she decides to start posting.  It will be fun!  I won't even make her pay me.  I'll do it because it's Niki.  And Niki is special.

I'm going to go now!  Adios!


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