March 13, 2018

94 6 1

Time Skip 4

Dear Journal,

It's been a bit!  I'm 16 now!  A bit has changed!

Niki has also started streaming on Twitch!  I'm a mod for her!  She doesn't get lots of viewers yet but I think she will eventually.  Like, who couldn't love Niki?  She is also posting a bit on YouTube.  We edit together!  It's super fun!

Theo, Niki, and I haven't stopped our baking on Saturdays routine.  It's still super fun!  Niki stays over a lot because we are really close.  She also told me she was pan!  I kind of already knew but she confirmed it.

Last weekend we went out shopping together!  We went to a stuffed animal store and bought some stuff for ourselves!  We then went to lunch!  We got food and ate at the park.  It was super fun!  We sat by a pond under a tree and talked about everything.  Well, obviously not EVERYTHING, but still we talked a lot.  After that we went to see a movie!  It was time for Niki to go home after that though which was sad.  I walked her home and then walked to my house.  Theo was there when I got home and we started making dinner.  We had spaghetti!  Delicious as always.

Oh!  I forgot to mention how Theo got a boyfriend!  His name is Anthony and he's really nice!  He's respectful of Theo and I's bond.  He doesn't interfere that much when Theo and I spend time together which is nice!  We invite him over to cook dinner and eat with us sometimes!  He also stays over a lot.  Niki also likes him!  They talk a lot and are kind of like me and Theo.  It's really cool!

I just looked back at all of my other entries here.  I talk about Niki a lot and liking her.  Surprise!  I still do!  I did end up talking to Theo and he says I'm in love.  He keeps telling me to do something about it.  I'm not gonna.  I'm WAY to scared for that.  I'll continue to suffer.  I'm still happy to be her friend though!  I won't let these stupid feelings ruin our bond!

Niki and I are starting to learn guitar together also!  She is really interested in it!  I'm not that interested but I want to play songs with her so I try to learn with her!  Right now we are learning one of Niki's favorite songs!  I honestly can't remember what it's called.  I should probably pay more attention.

Anyways,  that's pretty much all that has happened!  Bye now!


Time Skips - Nihachu x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now