April 13, 2017

89 3 0

Time Skip 2

Dear Journal,

Here I am again.  I'm 15 now!  It's been a while huh.  I've kept this journal in a special drawer.  I've waited for the perfect time for time skip 2.  Here we are!  Time skip 2!

Today was the worst day of my life.  I came out to my parents earlier.  I told them I liked girls.  They yelled at me and my mom slapped me.  I was then screamed at and told to pack up my stuff and leave.  So I did.

I called Niki when I was out on the street with all of my important stuff.  I had been crying.  My eyes are probably still red from how much I cried.  This is a definite big change in my life.  I think it's the perfect time for time skip 2.

Some other stuff happened during these past 2 years.  For example, Niki and I are super close now.  We tell each other everything.  We ended up having almost all of the same classes over the past 2 school years also!  It was a pain for all of our teachers but it was definitely fun.

Niki and I are sort of like opposites.  She is sweet and kind.  Like cotton candy!  I am more energetic and harder to hurt.  Like a lollipop!  We still fit together though!  As close as 2 friends can be!

Over these past 2 years my mental health has declined.  It's not as bad as it could be but it is definitely bad.  Niki has helped me get through it so far!  She introduced me to video games!  I practically play Minecraft 24/7 now.  She said that she wants to be a YouTuber.  I support her and will definitely be there for the whole ride!  I don't really know what I want to do with my life yet.  I'm sure I have plenty of time to figure that out!

I don't know what is going to happen now that I have gotten kicked out.  I do know that I will probably get put in some orphanage or something.  Who wants to adopt a 15 year old though?!  I hope my life won't go to shit at least.

Soon I'm going to go back to my parents house and get my stuff.  I know when they go to work and where they keep the extra key so getting in won't be a problem.  Niki will probably be willing to help me though!

I'm getting really tired again.  Here is the end of time skip 2!


Time Skips - Nihachu x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now