ch eight

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sometimes you feel that finding peace can be as easy as loosing your mind.

kenma felt exactly like it, laying on the couch, wrapped up in some blanket, listening to vanishing sounds of guitar that kuroo was playing on. a little smile on his face as he was drifting off to sleep, his legs were laying on tetsurou's lap, cheek cuddled up to a pillow. it was pretty dark in the house, the only light was coming from the kitchen's corner light.

kozume was a big fan of music. or more like, he was a big fan of music that kuroo was making along with his band. kenma loved when they all gathered in each others houses, trying different variations of sounds to make something enjoyable.

even though, kenma enjoyed every tone that came out from guitar thanks to tetsurou's fingers.

he didn't really notice when the guitar noises stopped appearing around, nor did he knew if it was because kuroo stopped playing, or because he fell asleep. the last thing he felt was kuroo's soft touch on his head, making its way through his hair.

tersurou has never felt more tired than he was that evening. it was his fourth night without sleep and even though he really tried to not show it, he was exhausted to the point where his knees were sometimes bending on their own. he wished for more than anything to be able to close his eyes and rest like kenma, but even his sleeping pills weren't working at that point. should he try some yoga like his doctor advised him?

his hand made its way to kenma's thights and started caringly stroking them. he sighed a bit as kenma was making some sounds in his sleep. he hadn't really ever had opportunity to see kozume fully asleep. either way he was extraordinarily sleeping as well, or blonde was just napping. he smiled a bit, taking away the hair that was on kozume's face and watched him crinkle his nose.

he was amazed. in some way, he wanted kenma to never wake up, just so he could be able to hold him like that forever and just keep him for himself. to watch his slender fingers twitch, watch his chest go up with every breath, feel the muscles on his legs tense up from time to time. he wanted him to stay in that carefree state, where he dreams about something sweet instead of worrying about so many things.

he wanted him to be happy.

and, just additionally, to be happy with him.

his head was filled up with the events of previous nights. he scolded himself, because he felt like he was worrying about kenma's problems even more than kenma himself. but, wasn't it natural, treating them like his own, since he cared for his friend so much?

he heard kozume take a deeper breath, and soon his eyes opened slowly, searching around the room for a while just to meet tetsurou's ones.

,,sorry. don't you want to- mmm" he ticced, his body tensing up for a moment ,,lay down too?" his eyes closed again and his breathing was still really calm from his sleep.

,,i don't really need to. stay asleep" kuroo responded calmly, stroking kenma's cheek with his fingers.
he wasn't even sure if the other heard what he said, thinking he fell asleep back again before being able to catch his sentence.

but kenma just sent him the most adorable, sleepy smile and opened his eyes again, making kuroo's heart skip a beat once more.

,,thank you" he finally said, looking the other straight in the eyes ,,for eve-ryything. especially" he ticced ,,especially those few days"

kuroo wanted to take that smile and keep it under a key to be able to look at it whenever he wants. he almost forgot what kenma's true smile looks like.  it looked almost angelic. with those now blurry eyes, reddish nose and a bit puffy lips. those sweet, raspberry lips that made him loose his mind whenever he looked at the smaller boy.

the lips he had leaned in to and left a bashful kiss on, while his heart felt like it was about to explode from his chest.

it was almost a sinful thing that he was dreaming about for so long, now happening. he was almost sure kenma could feel his crazy heartbeat as the blonde hesitantly placed his hand on kuroo's neck.
the kiss was slow, almost uncatchable, full of shyness and uncertainty. almost not like it was tetsurou, who always has been confident and bold.

kenma was the one who broke it, just to smile right into kuroo's lips and let out a small laugh.
,,i can't believe you just did that" he whispered, but repeated the kiss right after the sentence.
,,here" he was able to say before ticcing again and pulled dark-hair onto his chest.

kuroo snuggled in, just like a small child to it's mother making the most out of this moment. it felt almost unreal. maybe he was already dreaming?

kozume smelled like peaches and honey, and somehow it fit the imagination tetsurou has created about his scent. kenma's hand was  making some patterns on kuroo's back, making the dark-haired eyes close and his breath slow down. unlike the hearbeat.

,,what are you going to do with fumuhiro?" he asked, not being able to feel any guilty about being with kozume in situation like this.

,,let's not think about him-" he took a few breaths ,,for now" he ended.

kuroo nodded his head, but he wasn't sure if the other even felt it. he just snuggled his nose into blonde's neck, feeling his mind finally drifting away.

in that unusual circumstances, he was able to close his eyes to sleep for the first time in four days.

hellooo! hope that you guys didn't already drop this because of the long wait for new chapter

exams week was crazyy, but it went really well for me! i expect around 85, 75 and 98 % from each exam
hope everyone's doing alright, especially at school
it's my last week at my school and i'm getting my summer break. hopefully i'll be able to update more for you!

now please wish me luck so i can get into my dream school that i have sent application to
lots of love for everybody

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