Chapter 2

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It has been three days since the boys had been kidnapped and rescued. And yet, the Team still didn't know who the people that took them were. Well, the squids had technically taken them, but according to Sub, they had been kidnapped by a girl. Not a squid. Sky had called them for another meeting and Ethan was sent to get Sub. The brunette teen was a heavy sleeper and since his eye had been bothering him, he was getting nowhere near enough sleep. As Ethan knocked on Sub's bedroom door, he could hear him reading. Since Ethan had been... muted, his other senses had become sharper. There was a loud thump which sounded a lot like Sub falling off his bed. Ethan rolled his eyes. Sub had always been such a drama queen. There was soft footsteps and the door slowly opened. Sub peered out.
'We've got another meeting' Ethan signed.

"Nooooo! I don't want to goooo! I'm too tired" Sub whined.

Sub closed the door and sat against the door to make sure Ethan couldn't get in. Ethan pulled out a notebook that he always carried around now and wrote-

'Why were you reading then?'

-And slid it under the door.

There was a moment of silence and then -

"Shut up!"
'I'm not talking'
"That's not the point. I'm not coming!"
'I'll get Seto'


"Fine, I'll come!"

Sub reluctantly opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He suddenly got an amazing idea and smirked and Ethan.

"But you gotta make me get there!"
For crying out loud! Ethan thought. He grabbed Sub's wrist and started to drag him down the hallway, Sub resisting every second. Eventually, they got to the meeting room and Sky burst out laughing. To be fair, the duo looked pretty funny. Sub complaining and trying to get back to his room and Ethan slowly dragging him down the hall. Jason came out of the meeting room to see what the noise was about and joined Sky in laughing. Soon everyone had spotted the two, who successfully (For Ethan anyway) got to the group.
Bit of help please! Ethan mouthed, as Sub was still trying to escape. Seto recovered enough from laughing to freeze Sub. Ethan was finally able to let go of Sub's wrist.
'You have no idea how hard that was' Ethan signed out, leaning against the wall.

As the group gathered in the meeting room, Sub being floated there by Seto, Ty asked Ethan.

"Why wasn't Sub coming?"

Since Ty didn't know sign language that well, Ethan wrote-
'Apparently, he was too tired, but I could hear him reading'

Sub, who had been unfrozen, yelled "I WAS NOT! I WAS WRITING I-"

He was cut off by Ethan, who slapped a hand over Sub's mouth. He put a finger to his lips, clearly indicating for Sub to shut up.

Ian started off by saying "So you're sure that you were kidnapped by a human?"

Ethan was about to write down an answer when he pulled his hand away from Sub's mouth in disgust, Sub smirking at him. Ethan wiped his hand on his tailcoat and signed 'Sub! That's disgusting!'

"What did he do?" Mitch asked.
' He licked my hand!' Ethan wrote.

This caused Sky another laughing fit.

"Really, Sub?" Quentin said.

Sub nodded, looking proud of himself.

"I think you killed Sky, Sub," Jerome said, grinning.

Sub punched the air.

"Achievement unlocked! Killing the Sky Army leader!"

This caused another laughing session for everyone.

Jason recovered first and asked

"So... are we actually going to start the meeting?"

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