Untitled Part 4

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A.N: Sorry for the wait! Been pretty busy in the past couple weeks. Anyway, onto the chapter!

*Unknown P.O.V*

Those idiots! They think that they can just steal away my prisoners!

They can't avoid me! I will crush their puny souls and send them to the Nether to burn for an eternity!

...hmmm. I think that I've figured out a plan. The gold-loving fool with the petty amulet cares a lot for his friends...

Maybe I should send him to his girlfriend...

Perhaps even brainwash him!

And the sorcerer boy has a lot of power...

He may be a threat

He needs to be taken out

They can't escape

After all, the trackers in the mute boys blood can't lie

Hahaha! They can run...

But they...



*3rd person P.O.V*

Seto stared at the ceiling. The meeting had disassembled after the news about Dawn. Sky had barricaded himself in his room and Ty was trying to coax him out with the help of Jason.

Seto didn't want to tell his friends the truth. After rescuing Ethan and Sub, he had cast a spell to see the future. And it didn't look good.

There was a battle

There was three deaths in battle

And several deaths before the battle

A slight noise sent his head shooting round the room. There was nobody there. Seto sighed. He was too on edge. But just to make sure he closed his eyes and sensed for any unknown auras.

Sky, Ty and Jason were just round the corner, Ian's was obviously in the kitchen, Quentin in the swimming pool, Ethan was walking about and Sub was in his room.

But still, the teen felt uneasy. He was sure he didn't imagine it. Suddenly a sharp pain filled his head and he cried out. His eyes shot open and he leapt off his bed. He slammed the door open and ran down the corridor, in too much of a panic to teleport. He had just felt someone's aura/life force drop drastically.

"Nononononono!" Seto muttered as he ran down the hall. He recognised the aura. It was his best friend/Sky's childhood friend Jin. The aura was flickering like a broken lightbulb.

'God, what's happening!?' Seto thought. 'Who's killing him!?'

As the sorcerer rushed down the hallway, he could feel Jin's life force dissipating like water down a drain. Seto gritted his teeth. If he didn't hurry up, Jin would die!

The teen stopped in front of the locked cafeteria doors. Then blasted them open. The doors flew off of their hinges. As the smoke cleared, a horrible pain entered his head. 'no... NO!'

In front of him were two people. Jin was collapsed on the floor, purple bruises round his neck. He wasn't breathing. He was dead.

Seto held his head as he felt his friend die. ' Why you Jin? Why did you have to be you! You were supposed to live!'

"You killed my best friend!" Seto yelled at the shadow who's identity was hidden by the remaining smoke. After all, Jin had been there for him, even when no one else was. And now he was dead.

"I won't let you get away with this!" Seto cried out.


The beam shot out of the acrid smoke, right at the brunette. He easily dodged it.

"Is that all you got!?" Seto taunted. He spoke too soon.

The beam had circled back round behind the sorcerer. He didn't even have time to cry out as the spell hit his his back and passed right through him.

A look of shock replaced the confidence. The teen staggered forwards and collapsed, coughing up crimson liquid, adding to the growing pool beneath him.

The man who attacked him stepped forwards and Seto gasped, now knowing the true culprit. The man laughed. "YoU thOuGH tHat YoU cOuLd BEat Me! hAHa! YOu wOn'T SUrvIve THe ATtaCk! YOur PeTTy FriENdS DOn'T StaNd A ChaNcE AgAInST mE! THeY DoN'T EveN KNoW WhO i aM!" The man came closer. "JUst So yOU KnOw, I WaS GOInG TO leT HiM LivE. I dIDn'T KiLL HiM. HE dIeD FrOM SmoKE InHaLatiOn. YOu KiLLeD YOur FrIeND.

"N...no" Seto croaked. He had killed his friend. He was a murderer.

Seto's vision was invaded by black spots as the man teleported. He knew he was going to die. He had lost too much blood. But he could tell his friends his murderer. He lifted a shaky finger and dipped it in his own blood, slowly starting to write a name. He never got to finish it.

His hand fell and his breathing slowed. He knew that he had been a fool. He had underestimated the man's powers. And now... He would pay the ultimate price.

Seto had always been an insomniac. But when he eventually closed his eyes for more than a couple hours, he never opened them again

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