Chapter 9: the boat house

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I just sit there in tears. After a few minutes I notice that we stopped. I look at Eddie with tears still running out of my eyes. I watch as he gets out and walks over to my side. He opens the door but I can't get out. I can't move. "Come here princess" he says then picks me up like a bride then walks into the boat house.
He places me on a chair and I curl up into a ball and I finally muster up enough energy to ask, "are you ok?"
He looks at me then chuckles and says, "I should be the one asking you that. She was your best friend. So, are you ok?"
I look at him with moist cheeks from crying and say, "I don't know" I put my head down and slow my breathing. Once my breathing is slowed enough I look back up with glowing red eyes.
"Uhh princess?" Eddie asks.
My eyes go back to normal when I ask, "ya love?"
"Your eyes, they were glowing?"
"My powers" I say putting my head down.
"Right. So our uh powers? What can you do?"
I look back up and ask, "wanna see?"
I stand up and make a center energy that's glowing red in the plan on my hand. Then I look up at Eddie with my eyes glowing red too. I then take a screw driver from the work bench and hand it to Eddie using my powers. "I can move a lot heavier objects but I don't think you want your boat handed to you" I say with a little giggle then sit back down. "I can also shape shift but that takes a shit ton of energy, and I hate doing it"
I smile and say, "if you wanna call me that"
"What else would I call you?!"
I look up at him then back down and say smally, "a monster"
He comes over to me holding my hand and lifting up my chin so I look at him and says, "princess you are the furthest thing from a monster, I promise you that"
I smile then I wonder what time it is so I look at it. The time is 9:47 pm. "We should head to bed love, it's almost ten"
"Ya ok princess"
We get in the boat with a blanket and fall asleep holding onto each other like we're dieing.

The next morning, more like afternoon, I wake up and see Eddie sitting on a chair by the boat looking out at the lake. I look at my watch and see that it's 12:46 pm. I look back at Eddie smiling then ask, "why didn't you wake me up when you got up love?"
He gets up holding out a hand for me, "I wanted you get to some sleep"
I grab his hand and get out of the boat then kiss him. "Well thank you, I needed it"
He hugs me and says, "I thought you did"
I hug him as tight as I could then say, "please don't ever leave me"
"I promise I never will princess"
I look at him then look around and ask, "what should we do?"
"Uhhh I don't know, what do you wanna do?"
I walk around a little bit and find a UNO deck and grab it. I hold it up and ask, "wanna play UNO?"
He chuckles a little bit then says, "ya sure princess"
We sit down and play for a few hours. We laugh and have a great time. "REMATCH!" Eddie yells.
"Love you lost the last six times" I say laughing.
"Rematch! I will win this time! Mark my words!"
We start playing and I call UNO first. Then he places down a draw four. "DAMN IT!" I say.
"YESSS" Eddie says excitedly.
A couple cards later he call UNO. The next play he places down his last card. "NOOOOO!"
"Ok you won, once" I say laughing a little bit.
"Yup-" he cuts himself when we hear a car door.
He gets careful into the boat and holds out a hand for me. I shake my head then use my powers and fly up to one of the supports on the ceiling. I watch him as he flips over the tarp over him self. We hear them knock on the house door then them head over to the boat house.
"It looks like someone was here" a girl says. I can recognize her voice but can put a face to it and it's too dark to see it.
"Ya someone was definitely here" another girl says but I don't recognize her voice.
"Maybe he saw us and ran" the first girl says.
I watch as a guy takes a boat pole and start hitting the boat where Eddie is. My heart drops because I don't know who they are. I then see Eddie hop out of the boat with a broken glass beer bottle and holds it to the other guys neck as he pushes him into the wall.
"EDDIE ITS US! ITS ME DUSTIN!" Dustin yells. "We aren't here to turn you into the police, we're here as friends, we wanna know what happened!"
"Eddie let him go" I say as I use my powers and land next to him. I put a hand on his shoulder and say in a calm voice, "baby please, its just Dustin and a few of his friends"
He backs up letting go of the guy. I take a good look at him and it's Steve. I look at the two girls and see that it's robin and another girl I don't know.
"Who are you?" I ask to the girl.
"I'm Max" she says, "who are you?"
"I'm y/n, Eddie's girlfriend" I say.
"You two are a thing now?" Steve asks.
"Ya so all of your plans of being my boyfriend you can forget" I say with a smile.
"Ok we aren't talking about Steve's failure of a dating life, what happened last night?" Robin asks.
I sit down on the floor with Eddie following shortly me. I look up with tears forming in my eyes when I say, "I- it killed them"
Eddie looks at me and asks, "them?"
"It killed my mother" I say with my voice cracking.
"The same thing that killed Chrissy?" Eddie asks putting a arm around me.
"Ya" I stutter.
"What are you guys talking about?" Dustin asks.
"The thing that killed Chrissy" Eddie says.
"Did you see anything? Dust? Anything?" Dustin asks.
"No no man nothing you could see, or touch" Eddie says.
"I know what you guys are thinking and it's not the mind-flare or the demagogues-" I start.
Starve interrupts me, "how the hell do you know about that?"
"I looked into this town, I know about all of that stuff. I came here because I thought Eleven was still here but she's enjoying her life in California. I know about the upside down" I say.
"What are you talking about?!" Eddie asks.
"There's a place full of blood thirsty monsters with no people, that looks just like Hawkins" I say summing up everything.
"So what is this thing?" Eddie asks.
"We don't know" Dustin says.
"Actually-" I start.
"Oh my god. How do you know so much?" Steve asks.
I lift up my sleeve and bracelets showing the number 013 tattooed on my wrist. "This is how"
"That's the same one Eleven has on her wrist" Max says.
"Ya-" I start.
"So that means you know her! And you have powers?" Robin asks.
"Ya and Eleven is like a little sister to me, wanna see my powers?" I ask.
"YES" robin says excited.
"Ok, uhhh Steve can I use you? I won't hurt you, promise" I ask.
"What do you mean 'use me'?" Steve asks.
"Just yes or no" I say a bit annoyed.
"Fine yes" he says.
I create a center energy then pick Steve up using my powers. Everyone's jaws drop as they watch Steve get lifted into the air. I slowly and gently down. When I gets on his feet he looks at me and says, "holy shit, that was fun!"
I laugh a little bit and say, "ya I know it's really fun"
"Anyways, guys you two are wanted murders!" Max says.
My heart starts speeding up then Dustin asks me, "do you know what it was y/n?"
"It's vecna" I say, assuming they know what it is.
"Ok? How do we stop it?" Dustin asks.
"How do you protect yourself from it?" Max asks.
"I'm not 100% on how to kill him but to get out of vecnas curse you have to listen to your favorite song" I say looking at all of them then max concerned about her.
Max looks at me then asks, "can I talk to you.... in private?"
"Uh ya" I say then walk to the other side of the room. "Ok max, I know you don't know me but-"
"Vecna is after me" she interrupts me.
"Ok can I do something?" I ask.
She nods then I use my powers to create a block that will give us a little more time, and so she wouldn't be at as much of a risk of being killed. She looks at me confused then asks, "what the hell did you do?"
I look at her then ask, "is it more quiet?"
"Ya, I don't hear him at all", she says then smiles and hugs me.
I hug her back then look at the group behind her with wide eyes. "What?" I ask.
"Max never hugs anyone, at least-" Dustin starts.
I read his mind then look at max and say, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was that bad"
She gives me a strange look then asks, "what do you mean that bad?"
"I always knew this town had history, I just didn't know that it was as bad as it was" I say putting my head down.
Eddie walks over to me and hugs me then says, "it's ok sweetheart"
I read robin and Steve's mind then look up and ask them, "when the hell were you going to tell Eddie and I that were suspected murders?!"
"I didn't want to interrupt" robin says quickly.
"Ya what robin said" Steve says a little panicked.
"Are you scared of me?" I ask.
All of them say no then Steve asks, "should we be?"
I look at him and say, "I'm not planning on hurting any of you, I just want to help and make sure everyone comes out the other side alive"
Eddie hugs me and says, "don't listen to him"
"I'm sorry but I've been called a monster most of my life, I just want to help"
"I'm sorry y/n " Steve says putting his head down.
"I forgive you" I say then look up and give a small smile.

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