Chapter 13: getting vecna out

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"What the hell was that?" Joanthan asks.
"Look outside" I say.
Everyone looks outside the van and sees we are parked next to an RV. Eleven comes over and hugs me, "I didn't know you were that strong?!"
"I've been practicing" I say hugging eleven.
"Sorry to break this up but uh what now?" Mike asks.
I look over at him and say, "el your going to meet my boyfriend"  I look at her and she has a huge smile on her face.
I stand up and walk out of the van and over to the RV. I pound on the door and can hear everyone inside panicking. "Guys it's me!"
I can hear someone run over and swing open the door. It's Eddie. I jump up and hug him, "hi"
"Hi sweetheart"
"Can we come in?" I ask.
"Oh ya" he backs up and lets everyone in.
"Ok so Eddie this is eleven, el this is Eddie, my boyfriend" I say.
"Hi" el says trying to read him.
"Hi, nice to meet you" Eddie says with his hand out.
El shakes his hand then walks by to everyone else.
"Will, you can go say hi" I say I'm a whisper.
He looks at me then slowly walks out from behind me.
Quietly he says, "hey guys"
Dustin and Lucas look over and see will then run over to him and hug him. I couldn't help but smile.
I get serious then look at everyone who was already at Hawkins and ask, "you guys knew that Jason and his buddy's were here right? Like you made sure everyone that went inside knew?"
"WHAT?!" Eddie exclaims.
"I-I'm sorry I thought you knew?"
Eddie quickly lowers his voice and says, "you didn't tell us that sweetheart"
"They should be fine, Steve is up robins ass and Nancy can fend for herself, and well Erica is Erica"
Eddie chuckles, oh my good his voice, uggghhhhh. A small smirk starts to appear on my face when Eddie slowly walks over to me. He then leans down by my ear then growls, "oh princess, when all of this is over, the things I'm going to do to you" He backs away a little bit to see my face Turing bright red, he then kisses me.
Just then the doors of the RV burst open and Steve Nancy Robin and Erica run in.
"Who the hell are you?!" Steve asks.
"We'll explain on the way out just get us out of here before Jason and his jackasses come out! Argyle! Go to your van!"
"Yup" argyle says then runs out of the RV and jumping into his van.
Steve hops in the drivers seat then drives off with argyle behind us. I look out the window and watch Jason walk out and stair at the RV and van as we pass by and watches us leave.
"What the hell are we doing?! Who was that?!" Steve asks.
"That was argyle, and Steve we are going to the wheelers!" I say.
We drive to the Wheelers and everyone stays in the RV. "Now what?" Max asks.
"Now we get Els tub ready so she can protect you, and you guys are going to make a plan" I say.
"Daring, I'm still wanted" Eddie says with a bit of concern in his voice.
"Yes I know hunny but as soon as hooper gets here we can prove your innocence" I say then walk over and hug him.
I can tell he's stressed so I read his mind, 'I can't lose her. I love her. I've never felt like this before'
I smile with tears in my eyes and look up at him, "I love you too"
He cups my face then sees my teary eyes, "sweetheart what's wrong?" He asks in a gentle voice.
"I may have read your mind" I say smiling a little.
"But why are you crying?" Eleven asks in a demanding tone.
"I've never been loved like this with my past relationship" I say as a year slips down my cheek.
Eleven smiles and nods her head then walks over to mike. I give him a short glare but I know he saw it because he looked a little scared.
"Who are you giving the death glare to love?@ Eddie asks.
"Mike" I answer shortly.
"Uhh why?" He asks hesitantly.
"He hasn't told eleven he loves her. And that's what's going to give her the strength to fight off venca" I say.
"Oh uh ok"  Eddie says.
I walk over to eleven mike Dustin and will. "Hey guys! So we need a little pool so we can be outside" i say.
"I have one" Nancy says.
"Great! Where?" I ask.
She runs and grabs a rolled up one then hands it to me.
"Alright let's go get started" I say then walk out to the woods. I find a hut that's a little small but i unroll the mini pool and it fits perfectly.
Everyone catches up to me and sees me already filling up the mini pool. "How did you-" Steve starts.
"I have a lot more powers then just this" I say then create a red center energy in my hand.
"Don't ask Steve" eleven says.
I laugh a little bit then teleport the salt over to the mini pool and start pouring it in my hand.
"Woah what are you doing darling? Let me help you" Eddie says.
"Don't worry about it. I got it" I say then use my powers and lift up the rest of them and pour all of it in. I look over at Eddie with a smirk.
He smirks back with a chuckle. Oh my god when he chuckles I'm gone.
"Alright guys, the pool is really" I say a little scared of what's going to happen.
Eddie wraps an arm around my waist and whispers, "it's going to be ok sweetheart"
I nod my head then say in the most confident voice I can muster, "ok will joanthan argyle and mike you boys are going to stay with eleven, and the rest of you guys, I hope to god you have a plan"
"Ya we do" robin says.
I look over at Steve and he goes over the plan(same plan in the series just with us in it with Eddie and Dustin)
We all get ready and I walk out from the bathroom and look Eddie up and down. He does the same. I'm wearing cargo pants with my AC/DC shirt a little tucked into the pants. I then have my hair in a high ponytail. Then I have a knife on my right leg.
"Wow" Eddie says, still staring at me.
I laugh then look down and say, "thanks babe"
"I uh think everyone's ready sweets" Eddie says.
I take a deep breath then say, "ok"
We walk out together, hand in hand. I go over to eleven to make sure they were ready. "Hey are you guys ready?"
They all nod their heads and I look at eleven. "Ya I'm ready" she says.
I give a small smile to her then look at mike and jester that I want to talk to him. I walk away so eleven can't hear us. Eddie follows us without me noticing. "Ok here's the deal, you love eleven right?"
"Yes I know what your going to say, we've been through this. I'll tell her I love her ok?!" Mike says with an attitude.
"Ok! Drop the attitude got it?!"
He nods his head.
"I'm not hopper, you should be more scared of me than him, I know how to use a gun and I have powers, don't test me"
"Sweetheart I think you should calm down ok?" Eddie says walking out from behind a nearby tree.
"I don't think you two get it!" I say.
"Get what princess?"
"This friend group is more than just a friend group or a party" I pause then say, "it's a family, one that I've never had before and even though I haven't known all of you for very long, I love all of you and I can't lose any of you from an asshole" I take another deep breath then continue, "I've only ever seen this kind of connection on tv or with family's that everyone knows are fake" I give off a little laugh then look at Eddie and mike.
Mike gives me a saddened look then says, "I promise I love your sister, I'm just so scared of loosing her or that she'll find someone better than me"
I look at mike and read his mind and he's telling the truth, I sigh then say, "I know how that feels, trust me I do" I glance over that Eddie then continue, "just please, don't fuck it up ok?"
"Ok" he says with a nod.
"I'm serious, max can die, so if it seems like els struggling at all tell her, and tell her why"
He nods again the he walks over to el and them. I'm about to walk away then Eddie gently grabs my wrist. "Are you ok sweetheart?"
He sounds so sincere. I look at him and say, "honestly I don't know"
"Ok" he simply says then pulls me into a tight hug.
When we pull apart I give him a kiss then grab his hand and lead him over to Nancy, Robin, Steve, Dustin, max, Lucas, and Erica. "Alright everyone knows what their doing right?" I ask.
Everyone nods and Steve says, "you are going to be with Eddie and Dustin"
"Well I was going to be with Eddie no matter what" I say with a slight chuckle.
We all get into the RV. Everyone gets in all ready to fight, Eddie holding onto my waist like I'm going to die. The entire car ride to Eddie trailer is quiet, no one says a word. When we get there everyone gets out, Dustin walks into the trailer and throws a knotted bed sheet in the gate then one by one everyone heads into the upside down.
We all walk out and Nancy, Robin, and Steve start heading to the creals house. I step forward and say, "guys!" They all turn around and look at me, "don't die" I say with a small smile.
They all nod then hop on bikes and bike away.
"Are you ready for the most medal concert of your life?" Eddie asks Dustin and I.
Dustin and I look at each other with the same excited face. "Hell ya!" I say.
"YES" Dustin says.
Eddie runs in and grabs his guitar while Dustin and I are getting the amps plugged in. Eddie come to the roof with his guitar in hand. He plugs it in and starts. I'm memorized my his hands and how he's playing so well. Then I hear the demo bats. Then I hear Dustin yell, "60 SECONDS!"
He counts down every ten seconds. He reaches ten and Eddie finishes Master of Puppets by Metallica. We quickly jump down and get into the trailer. "MOST METAL EVERRRR" Dustin and I yell.
Eddie squeaks and jumps up and down with Dustin and I.
The demobats start to swarm the trailer. We are ready to fight them off, Eddie and Dustin ready with their spears and and I'm ready with my powers. Then a lot of them start flooding through the opening on the roof. Eddie lunges over and puts his shield in the roof blocking the hole. "Let's get out of here ya?!" Eddie asks.
"Yup" Dustin says the runs over to the gate, grabs ahold of the sheet and goes back into the normal world. Eddie pushes me in front of him and I leap onto the sheet and hoist myself into the normal world. Eddie is about half way up when he just stops. "What the hell are you doing Eddie?! Let's go!" I yell.
He looks up at me then jumps down and cuts the sheet off. He looks back up at me and says, "I love you princess, take care of those little sheep for me" then he runs to the door.
"GODDAMN IT" I yell then use my powers and go back into the upside down.
I run after Eddie then see him get taken down my the demobats. I use my powers and ripe then always from him. I use my powers to get inside of their heads and kill themselves.
"That was hot" Eddie says with a smirk.
"Save that for when we aren't here and you aren't a wanted man bubs"
"Alright you go back to the normal world-"
"NO BUTS EDDIE! Go with Dustin! I'm going to deal with my father"
I fly away using my powers to the creals house. I walk in and see more vine like things everywhere. I walk up to the attic and see Nancy, Steve, and Robin throwing bottles with gasoline in it light at vecna.
"You cannot stop me or what's about to happen!" Vecna says.
I walk the rest of the way in the room and stand next to my friends and say, "your right they can only injure you, but i can kill you" I say then start using my powers.
"I knew you would come back to me daughter" vecna says.
"Only to kill you father" I say then use my powers to pin his limps apart and start to tear them away from his body. Right before I take the strike that I know will kill him I say, "goodbye forever father"
"YOU CANT DO THIS!" He screams.
"Yes, I can" I say then kill him. I fall to the ground exhausted. Steve, Nancy, and Robin run to my side asking if I'm ok. I nod then Steve lifts me up with the girls helping.
"Ok, come on y/n" Steve says, putting one of my arms behind his neck, stabilizing me.
We walk back to Eddie's trailer.
When we get there I'm pretty much walking on my own but Steve won't let me let go of him. "Steve really I'm ok now" I say.
"Nope, I want to hand you off to Eddie and he can decide" Steve says.
"Ughh" I say.
Then we see Eddie sitting on the stairs of his trailer. As soon as he sees us he comes running over to me and grabs ahold of me. "Are you ok?! What happened?!" Eddie asks.
"I'm ok-" I start.
Steve cuts me off, "she's not ok, she's exhausted"
"Really guys I'm ok!" I say. I take my arm from around Steve then stumble.
"Ya ok my ass" Eddie says as he grabs ahold of me, he picks me up bridal style.
I don't resist. Instead I grab ahold of him. We walk into the trailer and see that the sheet is cut off.
"What the hell happened here?" Robin asks.
"Well Eddie had temporal insanity and cut it off wanting to fight of all of the demobats alone" I say looking at Eddie.
He shakes his head chuckling a little then Steve asks, "how the hell are we going to get back?"
Without asking I use my powers and lift everyone up into the normal world.
"Ok, sweetheart you can't do that again ok?" Eddie says in a calm and concerned tone.
I almost pass out in Eddie arms so I tighten my grip and almost in a whisper I say, "ya ok"
Dustin runs up to us with a hug. "Oh my god you guys scared me, Eddie said that y/n flew off and he didn't know where you were and then I started to freak out because Eddie was freaking out because he didn't know where you were and-"
"Dustin! We are ok!" I say.
"So? Did you kill him?" Dustin asks.
"Ya I did" I say with a smile.
He runs over and hugs me in Eddie's arms.
"Is max ok?" I ask.
"I don't know, they turned the radio on so I couldn't hear them and it was static" Dustin says.
"Ok then let's go" I say.
Everyone goes to the RV and drives by the wheelers. Steve parks a few blocks away so it doesn't look suspicious. We all get out and go to the little hut that el was in. Eleven runs up to me and hugs me. I hug her back and ask, "is max ok?!"
"Yes" eleven says with a smile.
I smile back then look at argyle, "argyle let's go get max!"

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