chapter 17: just chillin'

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We start walking out of the room when we hear the nurse from earlier, "girls!"
I turn around and look at her then ask, "yes?"
She waves her hand for us to come over then in a whisper she asks, "we're you expecting an older man to drive you home?"
Eleven and I look at each other with worried looks then I say, "no I planned on driving us, all of our friend knew that."
"There was an older man, he said you knew him as papa."
I look at the woman then immediately say, "thank you for letting us know, we will be careful."
She could tell that eleven and I were shaken up so she just nods and asks, "would you like me to have security escort you out?"
"No thank you, we know a thing or two if we need to protect ourselves."
"Ok, be careful!"
"We will!" I say as we speed walk out.
We get to the car when I hear someone, "eleven!"
I look at eleven and say, "do not look back, get in the car and lock the doors."
She nods and does as I said to, I then look back. It's him. It's papa. "What do you want?"
"I've heard that you go by y/n now, is that right?" Papa asks.
"Ya, did you also know that eleven and I don't want to see you?"
"I can sense that but-"
"NO- just leave!" I say then get u lock the car door with my powers and hop in. I immediately lock the door and turn the car on.
"Is that-" Max starts.
I cut her off and say, "ya that's papa."
"He's old," max says, which makes all of us laugh.
I put the car in reverse then pull away, watching papas face get smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror.
We get out of the hospital parking lot and I turn the radio on and start dancing to the music. Everyone is just having a good time for the entire car ride then we get to the cabin.
I pull in the see another car that I don't recognize. "Stay here," I tell max and eleven then get out. I walk into the cabin and see everyone then three people I don't recognize. "Who are you?" I ask, then use my powers so I have a controlled ball of energy in the palm of my hand.
"Y/n- princess, this is hopper Joyce and Murray! Calm down ok? We're ok!" Eddie says as he introduces them then slowly walks over to me.
I look at him and immediately calm down. I take a breath then say, "max and eleven are in the car, I'll go get them."
I walk out to the car and open the door, "elllll, your going to live who's in there!!!"
She hops out with max following shortly behind. Before she takes off she makes sure I got max then starts to speed walk to the door then stops. Max and I catch up with her and I ask, "you ok? Why are you opening the door el?"
"What if he doesn't want to see me?" She asks with sadness lingering in her voice.
"El I promise you they want to see you," I say trying to make her feel better.
She hesitates then opens the door, as soon as she sees them her face lights up and she runs over and hugs both hopper and Joyce.
I smile then take max over to the couch, "you ok here?"
She looks at me with a smile then says, "ya thanks."
"Do you want meds, you know- for the pain?"
"Yes please," max says which makes me laugh then I go and get her a glass of water and some Tylenol.
"Here," I say as I give her the water and medication. I overhear some of the conversation from the other room because I hear my old 'name' if you can even call it a name. I walk in and lean on the door way and watch eleven talk to hopper. She's so happy, and he's like a father, listening to every word. Then I hear what she's saying, "remember 13? I used to talk about her soooo much," eleven asks both hopper and Joyce.
Both of them tilt their heads, as if on cue, then hopper says, "ya she was like a sister to you and you weren't sure if she was alive," he pauses then Joyce says, "when you cried about hopper you said how you wished 13 was there because she always knew how to cheer you up."
"YA! Guess what?!" Eleven says with excitement in her voice.
"What kiddo?" Hopper asks.
"That's y/n! She changed her name because she didn't like 13!"
I see hopper Joyce and Murray turn and look at me leaning on the door frame, shoulder resting as my right leg is dangling freely and my left leg keeping me sturdy on the floor. I see all eyes on my and give a small wave with a small, "hi", to break the silence.
Without a beat Joyce comes over and hugs me, "thank you."
"Why are you thanking me?" I question, while standing sum-what like a piece of wood, not knowing what to do with the hug.
"You saved eleven, you made a safe place for her," Joyce says while holding back tears.
I hug her back and say, "she's like my sister, I have to keep her safe."
"So uhh," hopper says hesitantly, "you know papa?"
I break away from Joyce's hug then look at hopper and nod, "ya I do."
"Eleven talked about you non stop ya know? She- she said that I would love you," hopper says then takes a breath and continues, "like I would love you like I love her."
I smile and look at eleven then say, "I hope so."
Hopper comes over and hugs me then says, "you can be my second adopted daughter, the first being eleven."
I giggle a little bit then hug him and say, "thank you."

A little while later everyone has made their visit to Max to see how she's doing and just chat with her. "GUYS DINNER!" Hopper yells from the kitchen.
I walk in and see Joyce Murray and hopper in the kitchen, "so who really cooked?" I question in a joking tone.
Hopper looks at the other two then moves so I can see the McDonalds bag, "non of us," he says then chuckles.
I giggle then say, "oh ok."
Slowly everyone else comes in, the last ones being Max and Lucas, "sorry we're late guys, my ankles were sore."
Everyone was understanding and made sure Max was feeling ok, Joyce's mother in her kicks in and she gives Max medication. I look around and don't see Eddie which makes my heart skip a beat. I walk over to eleven and ask in a panicked voice, "where's Eddie?!"
She shrugs then starts looking around with me, "maybe he went outside?"
"I don't know, I didn't even say hi to him when I got home- I- I shrugged him off because I wanted to make sure Max was ok- and- and-"
"You ok kid?" Hopper asks from behind me.
"N-no I- I don't know where my Eddie is," I say, as panic starts to set in, making it hard to breath.
Hopper puts his hand on on my shoulder and say, "calm down kid, we'll find him."
"N-no y-you don't get it! Papa was at the hospital! What- what if he found us an-and took Eddie?!" I say, panicking even more.
"Kid, I'm here, calm down- wither way we will find him ok?" Hopper says trying to calm me down.
I nod then hopper, eleven and I start looking around. We check the entire cabin then hopper goes out the front door. I go out the back door and see Eddie sitting there with a joint in hand. "Eddie?!" I say happy he's ok.
"Yes princess?"
"You're ok!" I say as I run to him and hug him tight.
"Of course I'm ok," he says then looks at my panicked state, "are you ok?! What happened? Flash back?"
"No, I'm ok now. I didn't know where you went and I-" I cut myself off realizing how much I love this boy- like really realize, "I was just really worried about you."
He smiles then says, "here I think you need some," Eddie says as he passes the joint to me.
I smile then ask, "so can we- you know, after?"
He smirks then says, "only if you want to, I don't want to do anything with you intoxicated in anyway so as long as you say yes now when your now-"
I cut him off and say, "yes, I want you."
He looks at me with a smirk then says, "well ok then."
I take a hit and of course cough, but in between coughs I get out, "this- is- strong."
Eddie looks at me and chuckles a little then say, "ya I can tell you haven't smoked in a while."
I look at him then say, "and how am I supposed to do that when I'm saving your ass from monsters?"
Both of us share a laugh when eleven comes out, "y/n hopper and I have been worried because you disappeared!"
"I'm so sorry, I found Eddie and we were talking," I say, now a little high and trying to hide the joint from her.
"It smells like argyles van," eleven says.
Eddie and I look at each other then laugh, "please don't say that to anyone inside, we'll be inside in a few minutes."
"Ok don't be too long though, the food will get cold," eleven says as she walks inside.
I look at Eddie then take a few more hits then pass it to him.
"Jeez y/n you smoked almost half of the joint," Eddie says then chuckles.
I giggle a little bit then say, "sorry."
"Don't be sorry princess, you probably need it more than me."
I snuggle up next to him, inhaling his scent, now being a sense of safety.
A few minutes later I notice that he is done with the joint and with a nod we get up. I stumble a little bit and he notices, "princess i didn't even touch you yet and your already trembling."
"Oh shit it," I say, high as a kite.
"Are you sure you want to hang sex tonight?"
"Yes I am 100% sure Eddie," I say.
With that he nods then helps me inside. "Do you want some food before we go to bed?" Eddie asks.
"Yesssss", I say with a giggle.
He walks me over to the table, that is now empty, and get us food. He sits down by me and we eat Big Macs and fry's.
"Are you done sweetheart?" Eddie asks.
"I'm thirsty," I say, then look at him with red eyes.
He chuckles then says, "ok, coke ok?"
"Mmmm cokeeee, yes please," I say.
He walks over and gets one of the cokes sitting on the counter, "here you go princess."
"Thank youuu," I say as I start chugging the coke.
"Darling are you sure you want to-"
I cut him off by kissing him passionately, "yes, I am sure." I then drink more of the coke and ask, "can I please bring this to the bed room?"
With a chuckle he says, "yes you can."
Then with a coke in one hand, and Eddie's hand in my other hand, we go to the bedroom and lock the door.

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