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Megan's pov

Ever since me and Dua became friends, we've been so close to each other. Mentally and physically. We know exactly how to comfort each other depending on how we're feeling, but then we also hug a lot and we've slept in the same bed probably like half the nights we've lived together.

We were lying on the couch together and watching the new season of Stranger Things. She lifted her head from my chest and looked at me.

"You know I'm not mad at you for everything." She whispered.

"I'm glad but are you sure? We could've both died." I said while rubbing her back.

"Well maybe if I slept earlier the night before I would be so tired. Then we wouldn't have to switch. It was my fault." She said.

I took the remote and paused the show. "Dua, it's was definitely not your fault. I'm not saying in was mine either. The roads were slippery and it was dark. Let's just be happy we survived."

"I love you, Megan." She said before tilting her head up and kissing my chin.

"I love you, Dua." I said before hugging her tighter.

"It's 1:24, we should probably sleep soon." Dua yawned.

"Wanna sleep in my room with me?" I asked her.

"Sureee" she smiled.

We both got up from the couch and walked over to my room. I turned my LED lights on so that we would have some light while using our phones before sleeping.

I lied down and then Dua crawled on the bed, next to me. She lied down and was faced towards me and wouldn't stop smiling.

"Yes, princess?" I asked.

"Nothing..." She laughed.


"I'm so happy" She smiled.

"That's good to know... what for?" I asked.

"I'm happy that you're my best friend and things are back to normal again" She laughed.

"Aww Dua, you're the cutest" I smiled.

We lied in bed and talked for a couple more minutes until I turned off the lights. Dua got closer to me and starting cuddling with me.

"Why are you being so cute tonight" I whispered.

"I don't knowwww" Dua smiled.

Something was up. She only acts so happy when she's sad. It sounds weird but trust me, she acts like that so that I won't realize she's sad.

"Are you okay? Is something making you sad?" I asked her.

"Megan, I'm fine as fuck" She laughed... fake laughed.

"Was it the car crash?" I asked.

"Okay fine... I just keep thinking about how scary it was." She said nervously.

"Dua, it's completely normal to feel nervous and scared after a traumatic accident like this. You don't have to hide how you feel" I told her.

"Megan, I love you so much. Thanks for comforting me throughout this whole tragedy." she smiled.

"I love you, princess"

"Can I tell you another thing?" She asked.

"Always bitch" I laughed.

"Okay, you can't tell anyone. I think I like girls as well as boys" she said nervously.

"That's so cool, Dua" I said.

I never ever imagined that she would be gay... well Bi. But Im proud of her.

"How do you know? What made you like girls?" I asked her.

"Well I'm not gonna say who but this one girl, that I've known for a long time did. She's just so nice to me and she's beautiful as well. She's the only girl I've ever kissed but it was a dare. The thing is, she's straight." Dua explained.

"Oh wow... did she ever tell you she's straight?" I asked.

"No but she's only had boyfriends."

"Damn girl."

"We should sleep now" Dua said.

"We should. Goodnightttt" I said.

"I love you, Meg" she said.

"Love you, Dua"

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