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The warmth of summer was dying just like the people did day in, day out. Back then, the island had been scarcely populated and the Seven were thought of as enemies rather than allies. Times were simple. The guns had been around for many years, and towns that hadn't been around for years were returning sporadically. No, there was no mistake. The island was in chaos
The sky was dimming, just like the Seven's spirit at being hated on. Dusty Divot was a giant crater filled with masses of oak trees with acorns that plopped from the sky onto their recipients harmlessly. The diner beside it was often empty. Contrarily, the warehouse beside it was never empty. It was filled with the Seven - a faction made to protect the people of the island from the people who controlled them known as the IO. The Imagined Order.
The Imagined was afraid of them in a small way, but another part of her was sparking with excitement. Her armour was a faded scarlet with a dark teal thermal underlayer made to keep the Imagined warm on cold days. Her hair was a fiery ginger, its embers freckles that surrounded her soul-like blue eyes.
Beside her was her best friend, the Paradigm, with cobalt blue armour and a rubber black underlayer rather than a fabric teal one. Unlike the Imagined, the Paradigm had on a helmet that matched her armour with an edge that resembled a flat shark fin atop the helmet. Her visor was pitch black apart from the luminous red details in a targeting symbol across her unseen face.
Today was an important day. The island's core (a reality shifting sphere known as the Zero Point) exposed and waiting for the taking by predators like the IO; the Seven were going to put it back beneath the surface. Ironically, it had been the Paradigm that had exposed it in the first place in her massive multicoloured mech suit. She had needed it to defeat an alien that had fallen from the ice moon above the island... good times. No wonder some of the Seven members didn't trust her.
"I'm excited." the Imagined blurted out, "Sorry, this isn't about thrills."
The Paradigm shook her head, "Don't be sorry. It's not quite all excitement, is it?"
"Yeah." the Imagined gulped, and she wasn't lying. Fear mingled with the bubbly desire for the thrill of justice.
"It's gonna go fine, I promise." the Paradigm patted the Imagined on the back.
A cool breeze slithered through the air as leaves fell onto the two Seven members. The Paradigm walked away as the gusts picked up and the Imagined started to follow, not having anything better to do. She jogged to the other woman's side as the Paradigm placed her feet with purpose.
"Where are you goin'?" the Imagined panted after her short burst of running.
"It's windy. The Scientist will want to get those rockets going now." the Paradigm let her know.
The Scientist had built the rockets and designed them to create things called rifts that could be used to control the Zero Point and reality itself. The Scientist himself was cool and easy to talk to but his smarts, his whit and his friendliness made him intimidating as well. The Imagined longed to be more like him.
"I didn't even think about that." the Imagined frowned as the duo started to climb Dusty Divot's grassy slope to escape the crater.
"Naughty children!"
The Scientist was leaning on the edge of Dusty Divot's diner's railing. The man's armour was powerfully dark, in stark contrast to his character. The Scientist's visor was also a target but was more pinkish than red. In fact, the Paradigm's visor was the same but the Imagined didn't think of it as being the same colour. As well as the man's armour, the Scientist was a chunky man anyway. The Scientist was six feet tall with muscles that admittedly were decreasing in size (he had more pressing matters than weight training) but yet he never decreased in size.
"Where have you two been?" the Scientist put his arms around the women as they joined him on either side. He was easily taller than both of them.
"Just in the crater." the Imagined answered, "Chatting and stuff.
"And stuff. Not worrying at all." the Scientist shrugged, "I'm only joking. Imagined, you might want to get your helmet on."
The Scientist passed a red helmet that matched the Imagined's armour to her. The visor did not show a target and was a vivid red with thin, pointed stripes that shifted a little bit when the Imagined looked around inside of the helm; maybe it didn't show a target but it was still a targeting system.
The rockets were stacked atop each other, not literally but only the Scientist's rocket could be seen. The Paradigm and the Imagined both got into an elevator after saying good luck to the Scientist, first stopping at the Paradigm's rocket and then the Imagined's. The rocket was tall and matched the Scientist's armour colour scheme. The cockpit was cramped but had enough space for the Imagined to do her job.
"It's been a pleasure serving you guys." the Paradigm spoke over the rockets' intercom.
"It's been a pleasure having you." the Seven's organised leader the Foundation replied.
Something clicked in the Imagined's brain, "What do you mean? You'll be fine!"
"Keep being awesome, Imagined." the Paradigm choked up.
The Seven's pessimistic surveillance officer the Origin added, "Launch in t-minus ten seconds."
The Imagined choked up too, "What's going on?"
"Someone needed to make the Zero Point vulnerable." the Scientist sighed uncomfortably.
"No!" the Imagined yelled.
"There was no other way!" the Paradigm sniffed.
"There has to be!" the Imagined broke down.
"Six, wrap things up. Five." the Origin continued nonchalantly.
"There isn't! You'll just have to take my place as the epic one." the Paradigm laughed glumly.
"That's my job." the Scientist scoffed.
"Not helping!" the Imagined grumbled.
"I'm sorry, Imagined. I really am." the Paradigm sobbed.
"If you were sorry, you'd try to get away!" the Imagined cried. She didn't really mean it, she was just upset. She hoped that the Paradigm would understand that.
"One! Blast off!"
The Imagined's scream was cut off by the blasting of the rockets' engines.

To be continued...

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