Chapter 20: Plague's Final Stand

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Drift couldn't recall a time where he had visited the camp run by Cuddle Team Leader along the West Coast of the island. The buildings were log cabins with adorable pink rooves, with small caravans for what must've been Cuddle Team Leader's staff (were they clones or preserved loops like the Jonses? Would that question ever be answered?).
"They won't be able to get to us here, but they might find us in a minute so we need to act fast." the Imagined rubbed her hands together.
"So, you said this is about that call you had?" Drift thought of the rushed and hushed mini speech which the Imagined had told them beside Command Cavern.
"Yeah, it was with the Origin! We have agreed to let you four pilot our mech. We've never seen four people so united." the Imagined smiled, like she was a teacher proud of her students despite them being the same age.
"Wow!" Mothy squealed.
"I'm so not telling Tina that." Drift laughed, "So where is it?"
"The Scientist's searching had all been in the wrong place; the Paradigm was right here orbiting the island on the moon! The Scientist and the Origin are up there now with her." the Imagined answered, "It turns out that the Paradigm had been building the mech for us ever since I pitched the idea. She always believed in me."
"That's nice... but how do we get up there?" Lynx asked, sounding as if she knew that there was an answer waiting for her.
The Imagined held out Drift's mask, "I believe in you. Don't let me down or the Origin will never let me hear the end of it."
"Thanks, Imagined. For everything." Drift smiled, warmth flooding his veins. She smiled back, and it was true. There was no way it could not be.
The Imagined nodded gratefully and stood back, her hands folded across her stomach as Drift's squadmates crowded around him and held onto his arms very tight. He put his mask on and made sure that it was stable. Undoubtedly, it was going to be a very bumpy ride.
"Hold on." Drift begged.
The last the Imagined saw of him and the others in that moment was the figures disappearing suddenly in a blue flash.


No matter how many bullets were fired form the guns they had stolen back from the IO, they were never enough. There were simply far too many guards. John managed to clear some out with his strength, but clearly he was getting tired as well. Despite this, it was clear that Skye, Shanta and him were an unstoppable force, even without Plague alongside them
Skye felt good that the two had finally fallen in love after all this time. The volcano of happiness still warmed her blood as she spilled the blood of guards along the black and grey corridors of the Command Cavern complex.
And yet she was worried for him. She had no clue how he'd managed to convince her to let him break off from the group, but it would pay off. It had to, right? She merely had to pray that their guardian angel was still watching over them.
The plan, which would hopefully still work (Skye told herself to stop doubting but it was one of the only things she could do), was that Plague was going to distract the IO over the loudspeakers as they had seen a microphone whilst they were escaping from the prison in an office across from the cell. Currently, Plague was trying to break in. It was clear he was yet to be successful.
There were two things that could happen as a result since she doubted that they'd kill him. He would either be able to escape once the other three had gotten out and the guards were all on them or, more likely, he was going to be captured and they'd launch a full throttle attack on the conceited fools layer with the whole Seven group.
"Hello? Hello, is this thing on? Oh wait, I can hear myself, never mind." Plague's voice boomed. He was safe for now, "Where to begin? Oh yeah, shout-out to the Foundation! Yeah I see you on the cameras! Hi! I'd appreciate it if you helped my girlfriend and her friends for me, and then maybe come back for me after..? Ok. Guards, I can imagine that you're all panicking and you should be because the ground is breaking beneath your feet and-"
Plague's voice was interrupted by Gunnar's, "FIND HIM! NOW!"
"-I hope you feel comfortable because trust me, that's an illusion. You're deluding yourselves! Dearest Sloney, you've been a royal pain in the backside but I do appreciate you bringing me back because I would've never met her otherwise. She knows who she is, and I hope she knows how important she is to me. Her safety is my primary concern, for example, there's a guard on your right." Plague informed her.
Skye looked to her right and there was indeed a guard. She quickly finished him off with a few shots and she gestured for the other two to follow her as the guards had branched off from them to look for Plague.
Plague sighed, "Much better. Oki dokes! Who's next? Ah yes, Gunnar! The one who smells of sweat!"
Shanta burst out laughing.
"WHAT DO WE PAY YOUR FOR?! FIND HIM AND BRING HIM TO ME!" Gunnar yelled over the loudspeakers yet again.
"You can try to interrupt me, but they'll always hear what I have to say in the end. Also, what do you pay them for? To die? Maybe they should be looking for other job offers. Ok, so you three are getting close to the exit now..." Plague trailed off.
Shanta clearly pointed to herself and shouted, "Us?"
"Yeah! Also, the other three are fairly close, and... oh no. Guards, everywhere! Look out! Wait, no, there's no way you'll be able to get through those guys to get through the exit." Plague whimpered, "So I'd like to say that I'm in the office opposite the prison where Gunnar had been holding us."
"NO! Why would you say that?! What are you doing?! PLAGUE!" Skye screeched, the volcano becoming dormant as her heart skipped a beat.
"I'd follow you to the ends of the Earth even if that meant death, athst what I said. They're leaving now, you can get out. And in case you're wondering why I'm being so brave when that's not who I am at all, I'm not brave, I'm absolutely terrified! But I guess that's what love does to you." Plague laughed.
"Get out of there!" Skye yelled even though Plague couldn't hear her.
Plague cheered, "Run, get out while you still can! Know that these past few weeks have been the best of my life and that I would do them again and again forever. I'd spend the rest of time reliving those moments because that's just how much I love- agh!"
There was only one gunshot.
Gunnar boomed, "When I find you, you'll be next!"
Skye could've screamed but it wouldn't have been loud enough. All of the pain from the glitching couldn't compare to the pain she felt in that moment. A second to make everything fall apart. A second to ruin everything.
The Foundation had arrived, finally. He didn't seem at all suprised to see her, as if the video Slone had sent had convinced him. He had to get over that. Trusting Slone was a dangerous thing.
"GUFF!" Guff yelled, hugging his friend who he believed to be dead.
"I missed you too." she hugged him back, but he was only a part of what was on her mind.
"Wow, Skye. I didn't think that I'd see you again. Especially not like this."
Miraculously, Skye's old friend from Ghost TnTina appeared before her alongside the Foundation and Guff, as if they had been working together. Had they been working together? Tina also appeared to have something on her mind.
"Are you ok? You seem sad." Tina asked, although Skye was more worried about her.
"I don't know." Skye shrugged. It was no lie.
"Well, Skye, there are things we do know. I know that I will give my life to get all of you out of here; even though things are looking pretty bleak you will live. You have my word. Let's move." the Foundation preached before turning off down the corridor. Skye hoped that he was right, but she knew really that if there was a risk of life being lost she'd give herself up. She didn't wish to live any more anyway.

To be continued...

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