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[ heart attack ]

Y/N felt like her heart was about to break free from her chest.

Getting off the phone with the receptionist from the office, she felt her stomach churn, both with excitement and anxiety. She had just confirmed her gender reveal appointment for the next day, and it was eating her up.

She was impatient, and it really sucked.

Stepping into the room, Clay died his hair off with a towel, shirt and shorts hanging on him loosely - no doubt clothes he had stolen from Sap - making eye contact with her.

"What's up?" He asked softly.

"I have my gender reveal appointment tomorrow," Y/N told him. "And I'm so nervous I can barely function."

A smile came onto his face and he climbed up on the bed, her sitting beside him, too self conscious to sit on his lap. But that was short lived as he pulled her onto his lap, kissing her shoulder.

"You never sit on my lap anymore," he whined softly, pouting.

"I don't want to crush you," she told him, absentmindedly playing with a strand of dirty blonde hair, which was still partially wet from his shower.

"You aren't crushing me baby," he reassured her with a smile, putting a hand on the side of her face. "Anything to have the most beautiful human on earth on my lap."

Her cheeks flushed and her eyes involuntarily widened, causing him to chuckle, pressing a kiss to her cheek with a smile.

"You're a flirt, Clay," she said with a smile, unable to wipe it from her face.

"You love me for it," he said, grinning.

"That I do," she responded.

Now it was his turn to flush, red creeping from his neck onto his face and ears, causing Y/N to laugh and kiss his forehead.

"You're too cute, my poor heart can't take it!" She exclaimed, gently booping his nose.

"H-Hey, cut it out," he stuttered, gently pushing Y/N's shoulders, causing her to fall onto the bed, laying on her back, still giggling. A warm smile came to his face and he turned, hovering over her, pressing a kiss to her lips.

The kiss was short but sweet before they pulled away, both blushing and grinning from ear to ear. "Wow, you took my mind off of the appointment."

"Ya dummy, you just reminded yourself again," Clay shook his head, 'tsk'ing. "I guess I'll just have to give you even more kisses to distract you."

"Aw man, I guess so," Y/N playfully pouted, mischief flashing across her eyes.

And kisses he did give. As well as cuddles. Don't let your head go where I think it's going.


The next day, Y/N woke up bright and early. Both Clay and Alex were coming to this appointment, and she could hardly contain her excitement, grabbing an apple and eating it, letting Sap kiss her on the cheek.

"Have fun," he said, smiling.

"I can't wait to find out," Karl said from the counter, rocking on his heels.

Clay and Alex both said their goodbyes, a few kisses and hugs being exchanged, before the three of them were out. Getting in the car, Alex slid into the back, letting Y/N sit up front, as it was easier, and Clay drive.

"Don't play shit music," wad the first thing Alex said, making Y/N laugh and Clay roll his eyes. "I don't want to hear any of that fuckin "past life when we were eighteen" stuff anymore, please."

"Aww, but Alex! Now that interstate is paved with memories!" Y/N exclaimed, little giggles slipping out. Clay chuckled and Alex groaned, slumping back.

"We get it, you and your girlfriend broke up, boohoo, let's all cry," Alex deadpanned, making Y/N's giggles turn into full on laughter, a smile tugging on Alex's lips.

Clay admired her from the driver's side before pulling out of the driveway, starting to drive. Just to piss Alex off, he turned on Roadtrip, making Alex curse loudly and Y/N burst into full on belly laugher, almost crying, holding their stomach.

"S-Stop, stop, I'm gonna pee myself!" She cried, trying to calm her laughing fit.

Upon the song ending, Y/N grabbed the phone and sneakily typed Heat Waves in and played it, causing Clay to almost throw himself out the window while Y/N laughed, Alex cheering about 'revenge' of some sort.

After several songs and memeing each other for almost a half hour, they had finally arrived, reality settling in, causing butterflies to flutter in Y/N's gut - or maybe that was just the baby, she never knew nowadays.

Making their way inside, they only waited about ten minutes before they were called back, the same kind woman as their doctor.

"So, today's the big day, huh?" She asked Y/N, a smile on her lips.

"Mhm, I'm really excited," Y/N said, climbing up onto the bed.


The baby's checkup went well, and it was developing everything well, everything going according to plan according to Dr. Frost. And now it was time, the moment of truth itself.

The baby's gender.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Frost asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Y/N said, holding one of each of the boys' hands.

"Alright then... let's see here..."

Y/N sucked in a breath of anticipation, her heart thundering loudly in her eardrums. The tension in the room was so thick, it had to be cut with a knife.

"Congrats Miss L/N, you're having a baby girl!"

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