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Ben Mason was concerned, concerned for the well-being of his best friend, River Caller. Not only was he worried but also feeling guilty, it was his fault that she was in this state. No, he had not personally shot her, that was all of Pope's doing, but she was his friend and because of his previous history regarding the Skitters, River's reputation had been tainted by that.

Razorbacks was the chosen name for ex-harnessed children. When the harness had been removed, it left strange spikes implanted in the spine. Most people did not dare say the phrase in public but amongst each other it was freely used.

River was one of the only civilians not to be cautious of the "hybrids", in fact she had befriended the middle Mason son very quickly. Of course, it had made people suspicious of her, whispering that she was a "Skitter Sympathiser'. The blonde-haired male had been grateful to have her as a companion. How Ben hated himself for being the cause to River's pain. He would have pulled the spikes out of his back with his bare hands if it meant people would stop judging them both.

It had been six hours since River had been stitched up and put to sleep, which meant she should have woken up now. With his enhanced human hearing, Ben was able to hear the steady rhythm of River's heart, it was the only thing keeping him sane, knowing that she was still alive and breathing. "Bennjkf..." she was beginning to stir, as a string of incomprehensible gibberish left her lips. The more she neared waking up, the clearer her sentences became. "Pope's got...a gun...I need Benn...hewillsaveemee..." though River's words still slurred, Ben could understand every word. "He's hurting mefgk...Benn...where are..." she suddenly went quiet. Then came the scream. It ripped through the air, piercing Ben's ears, he had never heard anything so horrific. She was scared, scared of something he could not see or protect her from.

"River, River!" he felt useless, placing a hand on her good shoulder, Ben tried to shake her gently awake. "River, wake up. Come on, Ri, it's all ok."

Her eyes flew open, the scream was cut short. Ben quickly wrapped an assuring arm around the fragile brown-haired female. "Ben?! Ben?! Pope's got a gun, he's going to shoot me! You've got to stop him, please don't let him hurt me!" she buried herself deep into his chest, weeping. "I don't want him to get me...Ben..." she whispered anxiously.

He sighed, holding her closer. "No one's going to hurt you, it was just a nightmare. Pope won't come near you ever again." he kissed the top of her head. "I promise." Ben was just glad that his friend had returned to present day.

Her eyes slightly drooped, she was exhausted, the effects of the drug Doctor Glass had given her were still wearing off. "Ben?"


"Do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

"Prove Pope wrong."


"'Prove Pope wrong.' That's all she said?" Hal looked sceptically at his brother. "Nothing else?"

Ben just shrugged, it had been three days since River had mentioned anything about the incident with Pope. "She won't tell me anyone what he said. Doctor Glass tried and it sent River into a panic attack, she had to be sedated." the younger Mason rubbed his face with a weary hand. "I just wish there was something I could do to help."

leaning against the truck the duo were loading, Hal rolled his eyes. "how about helping me load his truck, instead of standing there?" he chuckled.

"This is serious, Hal."

"Look," Hal took a crate full of medical supplies in two hands. "River will talk when she's ready but right now, we need to get packed up before Weaver comes to check on our progress, the last thing I need is one of his lectures."

Prove Me Wrong (A Ben Mason/Connor Jessup Novel)Where stories live. Discover now