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If Eltres wasn't an outcast, he would've been living in a home. if he wasn't an outcast he would've had parents. If he wasn't an outcast he would've had friends and cousins and uncles and aunts. But, Eltres was a half-elf. A creature neither man nor elf wanted.

Eltres was a mistake.

Eltres stalked the city of Iren alone, no one in the streets. It was about midnight, and if anyone was in there right minds they'd be in their homes, sleeping by the fire. Too bad Eltres didn't have a home. But since everyone was asleep, it meant now was the perfect time to get some food and perhaps a few coins. Eltres drew a small dagger out of his tattered leather tunic, which was his one prized possession. It was a parting gift from his father, an elf, who gave it to him on his deathbed. The daggers handle was made out of oak wood, and it was wrapped in fine leather. The blade was three inches long, and made of Elven steel. Eltres peered at his dagger, remembering the days before he was thrown out of his mothers house. All the memories came back to Eltres in waves, but he shook them off. It was time to work. Eltres crept out of the alley he was hiding in, and walked around the wood cabins and stores of Iren's lower city. These where the easiest people to rob, but doing so went against Eltres' honor code. He couldn't rob people who had barely anything. No, he wanted to get at the upper class. That's were he could get the best of things. Eltres wandered the dark streets and past several old homes, up to the gate that seperated the upper and lower parts of town. The gate was a small one, connected to a cobblestone wall about four feet high. No one guarded the gate, and Eltres easily climbed over it. Once Eltres got over the wall, he say the familiar river that ran under the high bridge, where most of the upper class people's homes stood. Eltres smiled to himself and walked towards the Prancing Goat, the local bar and inn. Rumors had been spread across town that a rich man was staying there for the week to take part of some political meeting, and Eltres decided that this man would be his target for tonight. Eltres quietly opened the door to the bar, which happened to be unlocked. The door revealed a hearth which fire was about to run out, the barkeep sleeping on a table, a bar, and a few chairs and a set of stairs. Eltres quietly crept upstairs and saw that at the top there was a corrider of doors. Eltres opened almost all of them to find no one. There was only two doors he hadn't opened, and he opened the one closest to him to reveal a fat, well-dressed man asleep in the bed, and a bag of gold coins on the night-stand. Eltres felt an overwhelming amount of joy! With this much gold he could get two months worth of food! Eltres quietly grabbed the coin purse and snuck out of the room. When Eltres thought he was sucsessful, he heard a gruff voice say, "hello lad". Eltres froze. He drew his fathers dagger and whirled around to see a tall man with long hair standing over him. Tge man laughed. "oi lad, I won't turn ye in. But I couldn't help but notice you're pretty good at doing what ye do. So, I have an offer for ye. You're a half elf, ain't ye?" Eltres nodded. The man sighed. "so you're an outcast ain't ye?" Eltres felt close to tears, and he nodded. "well what I'm saying is you're pretty good at theivery, and you're Elven ancsestry will be useful. What I'm saying is I want ye to join an orginazation. Were all outcasts there, but were all becoming very rich. you'll have a place there. We call ourselves the Theives guild. you want in?" The man finished. Eltres was overjoyed! A way out of the alleys, a way to become someone and be a part of something. "yes" Eltres replied. the man smiled. "good. names Yeuric. follow me." the man replied. and then Eltres and Yeuric departed.

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