Sernon's Lecture

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He was dead. Yeuric was wiping blood off his shirt. He was on the ground, breathing hard.
"Well thanks lad. Id say it was necessary, though Sernon might disagree. They found me with this." Yeuric held up the contract. "Lets go!" Tern, Eltres and Yeuric jumped out the window, all of them but Yeuric who buckled and groaned.
"I'm hurt bad. Get my to Gorn." Yeuric groaned. Tern and Eltres pulled Yeuric to the front gate. Gorn was standing over a dozen guards, all unconcious, with a bottle of water in one hand and a hatchet in the other.
"What's up with Yeuric?" He asked

"You did what?!? On Your First Mission?!?" Sernon yelled.
"I killed him. On accident, though. I... missed." Eltres said to Sernon. They where in The Drunken Dolphin, in Yeuric's room. Gorn, apparently, learned to be a battle surgeon when he was six. He was operating on Yeuric's leg, which was wounded on the fight.
"In his defense I would've died if he hadn't stepped in." Yeuric coughed out. Then the door swung open and Corida walked in.
"Stop!" She shouted at Gorn who dropped his 'tools' (which was really a knife, a meat cleaver and a bandage.) She said "Gorn, your making it worse! I know healing magic. Let me try." She began waving her hand gracefully across Yeuric, whispering words that sounded so sweet that you might think they were made of honey. Soon golden lines descended from her hands surrounding Yeuric.
"Talla. Talla. Talla." She whispered. Soon, Teuric was on his feet, breathing. Sernon glared at Gorn and stormed away.

"Dang" he said.

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