The Job

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Eltres stepped outside with Yeuric, Gorn and Tern. The river surrounding the floating building raged on.
"Get us to the Landin'" Yeuric ordered. Gorn nodded and dashed to the giant oar used to steer the tavern. Soon they came to the docks and Gorn, Eltres, Tern, and Yeuric jumped off.
"Our target... is over there." Yeuric pointed to the town hall, surrounded by city guards.
"Wha-" Eltres started to say, but Gorn cut him off
"There's been a business transaction in the city. The Governers sold lots of weapons and armor to an independent Merchant. In return he gave the governers a contract saying whoever owns it has permission to take Five Million pieces from the owners private account. And that's enough for each of you to buy six Twenty Acre estates and a couple of horses."
"Gorn, ye'll be headin' in first, to parley
with the guards. Teach 'em a lesson if ye need to, but remember-" Yeuric said
"-No killing unless absolutely necessary"
"Good, Gorn go take care of the guards. Tern, Ye'll be goin' and pickin' the locks and such. No good breakin' 'em down. Eltres, you'll head inside wit' Tern. Get that longbow and shoot anyone that comes near." Yeuric ordered. Eltres nodded and followed Tern to one of the buildings windows and waited. They could see Gorn walking over to the guards, and then loud crunches and groans.
"Gorn's slugging them with a hatchet." Tern whispered to Eltres. "Start climbing up to that window and I'll fix the lock." Eltres started climbing the building to the top window. His hands ached, and his fingers began to slip. Tern however pulled himself up with ease.
"Your a Half-Elf! Use your Elven agility to jump up!" Tern said. Eltres nodded and tried jumping up, barely catching the windowsill. Soon Tern was up as well, and he started working on the lock. Then, a loud 'click' sounded and Tern had the window open. Eltres and tern slipped inside, unnoticed. They where in the upper floor of the town hall, which was decorated with a red carpet and polished oak dressers displaying trophies and artifacts found in the old city below Iren. Doors labeled with things like 'Governers office' and 'Garrison Command Center' and finally 'Theives Guild Information Center'
"The Governers think they can track us" Tern snorted. "Let's wait for Yeuric." He said. Just then, loud clanging erupted from down the corrider, the sound of fighting. Yeuric was dueling with four guards, and he was losing. Blood trickled down his forehead, and his right hand was limp. He was holding a sword in his left, but now it was thrown away from him, and he was unarmed and about to be killed. Tern grabbed two daggers and dashed to Yeuric. Eltres took his bow and fired an arrow at one guard, and it flew through the air and pinned him to the wall. He fired another and another, both of them pinning more guards to the wall. Finally, he fired his last arrow, and it hit the guard, and... killed him.

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