Elite Part 6

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A few days had passed since you and Crosshair finally reached an agreement regarding your complex relationship, yet nothing much had changed. He knew how you felt, but was yet to outwardly admit his own feelings. Whether he wasn't ready or wasn't sure, you didn't know, but you weren't exactly eager to ask.

You were back on Coruscant for a few hours while Rampart and Tarkin settled something with one of the senators. The two had been very secretive about their negotiation, but Crosshair, the only man with information about the visit who wasn't actually going, did drop a name to you: Bail Organa.

While you were here, you figured you would drop by your old house to visit your family. And hand over your savings. Since the Empire handled food and accommodations, you had no practical use for your paydays, and passed them along to your family.

You had received your first paycheck since being promoted relatively recently, and, thanks to your new rank, you now possessed more money than you had ever even seen.

After converting your digital pay into credits (more than you had ever had at once), you were ready to pay a visit to the dark and dreary underworld of Coruscant.

You hitched a ride with Crosshair, who wanted to check out parts for his rifle, down to the lower levels of Coruscant, then split up to complete your individual tasks. You didn't say a word the whole way down, figuring that if Crosshair wanted to talk, he would. He almost asked where you were going, but decided against it, instead saying that he would pick you up when he was finished his own trip.

There were many cracks in your newly formed and unofficial relationship, most involving communication and your mutual stubbornness, but you found it well worth the trouble to remain by his side. The two of you excelled at communicating your thoughts to the other non-verbally, both on and off the battlefield, but verbally... that was a different story. Crosshair wasn't much of a conversationalist, and you just seemed to get tongue-tied and nervous when it came to talking to him about your relationship. You were both new at this, and were still trying to make sense of your own thoughts and feelings.

Life with Crosshair wasn't easy in the slightest, but you both made an effort, and it usually paid off. You could make it work, you just had to learn - something that you were both willing to do.

A few minutes after Crosshair dropped you off, you found yourself hesitating at the door to your family's apartment. You lived above a rundown diner, Greasy Gail's (charming, I know), which your parents and the oldest of your younger siblings worked at, and had been your very first job. It wasn't a terrible job, but it was nothing compared to your street fighting and later military career.

You took a steadying breath, reached for your belt to quadruple-check that you had your credits, then knocked on the door. There was the shuffling of feet from inside, then the door opened, and you were met by your eighteen year old sister, Metta.

"Y/n?" the other hybrid greeted you, momentarily confused by your sudden appearance before breaking into a grin.

You grinned back. Metta's positivity was contagious. "Hey, sis."

Your sister quickly turned her back on you, shouting back into the apartment. "Sotta, get over here!"

Metta's twin brother emerged a moment later, his face lighting up when he saw you. "Hey, you're back!"

The twins were almost exact replicas of your Nautolan mother. They could easily pass as fully Nautolan themselves if they wished, just like you could pass as human. The only features Metta and Sotta had that gave away their half-human status were the slight differences in their eyes. Dark blue instead of black, and slightly smaller than those of a pure blood Nautolan. Sotta had a few birthmarks along his arms of human colouration, but aside from that, he and his sister had no trace of your father. With so few things to set them apart from pure blood Nautolans, they very rarely faced any sort of questioning about their species.

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