Chapter 3 - Real?

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"Don't worry," you heard Fall's voice from behind you. "They won't see you."


"It's just a bad dream, just a bad dream," you assured yourself, flying towards U.A.. Deep down you knew you were lying to yourself. You just weren't ready to accept it yet.

When you started to arrive at your destination, it was already sunset. You had tried to use turning into a dragon for speed but for some reason, it wasn't working.

"Wait up!" you heard the familiar voice of Midoriya ring through the air. You quickly noticed his arm was in a cast and he was running after Bakugo.

"What?" the ash blond boy asked. You landed a few meters from them, watching the interaction.

"I have to tell you something," Midoriya confessed. "Maybe then you understand what's been going on."

You had many questions. Way more than answers, anyway. What time was it? You didn't remember an incident like this. Did you travel back in time and into another universe? Was what Fall said really true and you were invisible to them?

Midoriya was the one to snap you out of your thoughts. "I wasn't hiding my quirk from you," he told Bakugo. "It was given to me by someone else. Recently."

I believe him, you thought with wonder. Maybe it's because most of me is also from someone else?

"But I can't tell you who I got it from so don't ask," Midoriya said, getting a bit more nervous. "It sounds crazy, I know. It's like something out of a comic book. Only it's real."

You smiled at him sympathetically, wondering if he felt pain, too, while receiving his quirk. You hoped he didn't.

"The thing is, I don't really have any control over this power yet," Midoriya continued. "I haven't figured out how to make it my own. But I'm trying."

You noticed Bakugo looking at him as if he was wondering if his friend's telling the truth.

"That's why..." Bakugo was getting angry but Midoriya, still speaking, didn't seem to notice. "I didn't want to use it against you in the exercise."

Exercise? you thought. This is definitely before I came.

"But in the end it was the only way that I had a chance of winning," Midoriya really seemed sorry, for whatever he had done, while saying those words. "I've still got a lot to learn. I know that. That's why I'm here. You see... I will work until I have full control of this borrowed quirk. And I'll finally beat you with my own power."

After the green-haired boy looked up, the other one seemed even angrier. "How dumb do you think I am?" he asked. "Borrowed power? Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. You've already made a fool out of me in the exercise. So?! Did you come here to rub it in?! I lost! And to make matters worse, it was to you! I came in first at the exam! But that's not enough!"

You had probably never seen Bakugo so vulnerable. He looked... broken. "When I was watching that ice guy..."

Todoroki! you realized.

"I realized I couldn't beat him in a head to head fight!"

"Bakugo," you finally spoke up. "It's not him you have to fight," you assure softly, taking a few steps forward. It almost seemed like he heard you but then he went on cursing and ranting again.

You reached out to pat his shoulder comfortingly.

Your fingertips were almost there.

Just a bit more.

Whoosh. They phased right through him.

Your breath got caught up in your throat and your eyes became wide. You felt blood pounding in your head and then a familiar tug, pulling you back by your waist.

Your back flew against a cement wall and you slowly slid to the ground. You didn't bother to get up. You knew your knees wouldn't let you.

They couldn't see you. They couldn't hear you. They couldn't feel you. You weren't real for them.

Fall (MHA/BNHA X OCish Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now