Chapter 6 - A Plan... Somewhat

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By the time you were about to go to sleep, your mind was tired and you hadn't come up with anything to help you. You couldn't ask for help either - you weren't real. So, as you had nothing else to do, you cried yourself to sleep, tears generating from all kinds of emotions: fear, frustration, sadness, homesickness, dread, anger - you name it. Those swiveling in your head were the lullaby. Not the prettiest of sounds and words, but you slept.


Though Fall didn't bother you at all and just left you to be, you still didn't manage to come up with a plan. Right now, it was the following morning to losing Substance Bending and this time you could somewhat recall what happened. It was agonizing, feeling part of yourself being ripped away like that.

"You don't have to do this," you told Fall quietly, realizing you should've probably talked her out of it a long time ago. Or at least tried to do so. "You don't have to be a villain."

"My family didn't want me," she spat. "What other choice do I have?"

"Your brother would be delighted to see you," you countered. "He's still hoping you're out there."

Fall gave you a sad, broken glare. "That's the case with your brother, Y/n." She sighed. "Not mine. We may be the same person but my past is a bit different from yours." Then she remembered to put on her tough mask. "Anyway, you should worry about yourself, not me. Or don't worry at all - you won't be around for too long anymore."

You looked at her back as she disappeared through the door and then you fell back onto the mattress. "Hmph." You were starting to lose hope about getting back to your world. You felt so powerless. Literally.


Power... less...

You smacked a hand on your forehead. Of course! If I could only take the power of opening a wormhole from Fall, I could be fine! But first, I need to get my own powers back.

You sat up in a meditating position, trying to focus on Fall since you had no idea how to do this. You focused on her mind, trying to gain access to her quirks. Nothing.


Three days had passed and it was dawn - Fall wasn't awake yet but you had started to feel something when you recently tried to break into her thoughts and as soon as you were sure Fall was asleep, you sat up again and concentrated on her unguarded mind.

There! You weren't sure how to explain what you were seeing. It seemed like a list but it was... alive. You shook off the need to understand and reached out with your mind, grasping a quirk. It was called Obtain. You almost got it.

Fall yawned. The walls around her mind went up. You felt as if you were thrown across the room and fell to your mattress. You were too tired to sit up and sleep took over you.


You woke at twilight. You could tell because you could see the setting sun from Fall's small window. Your other version herself was nowhere to be seen, as of the moment.

You recalled what you had done in the morning. The memory was hazy, as expected, but you remembered the feeling of almost reaching 'Obtain'. You realized that she probably got that quirk a bit after the time you had escaped in your own world. And the wormhole-thing, too. There was no other explanation as to why she had them and you didn't. You also didn't consider the possibility of them not manifesting yet. You didn't want to.

Fall didn't come back for the rest of the night. In fact, the whole base was empty so you could only assume that the League had a mission. But where they could've gone, you didn't know. But you wished you would've known - as much as you liked being away from them, it was slowly starting to drive you mad. Especially with half of you already lost to 'Obtain' and Fall.

Wandering around the familiar halls got boring and you couldn't even fly or anything of that sort. So you settled for the only option that helped both with your sanity and loneliness. Luckily, it seemed that Fall was still letting you use your two quirks that were left.

Putting a hand to the ground, you projected your favorite memories into the air and watched them, pulling your knees up to your chest. There was an ache in your heart. I miss them, you thought to yourself, watching the fight near the pillow castle you had had with the third-years, Eri, Eikichi, and your class. Barely a month ago, if you were correct - you had lost most of your sense of time during your time here.

Tears pricked your eyes but you didn't let them fall as the memory switched. Now, it was showing simply little glimpses, not full scenes. You hanging out with Shinso, movie night with Aizawa, Mic and Midnight, a flight with your brother.

The projection suddenly collapsed on itself and you felt a tug around your waist. Next you know, you were thrown against a cement wall in a completely different room, in a completely different place and Fall was standing in front of you. "It's time," she warned before closing her eyes to concentrate. For a moment, you thought you saw something like regret flicker across her face but it was gone quicker than it came.

A week already? you thought. How- Your mind went blank with pain.

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