Chapter 5 - Brainstorming

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With an irritated huff, you once again faced the wall you had been previously staring at, trying to create some kind of plan in your mind. There had to be a way for you to get back, right? There was always a way. And you really did hope this wasn't an exception.


You woke up, not remembering falling asleep or how you got onto the mattress in the first place. Your wings felt limp and your mind was foggy, as if you had overused your quirk.

A groan sounded from the other end of the room. Your eyes snapped to look where the sound came from and you saw Fall, slowly getting up from the bed, as if she was in immense amounts of pain. "Fall?" you rasped, rather desperate for explanation. "What's going on?"

You noticed how enormous her wings were. Double the size they had been before, if not bigger. "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help," she grinned, although it showed further how exhausted she, too, was. "But I took your original quirk - Fog Wings - and your experiences with it."

Your eyes widened. So she had already started taking over all you had. You needed more information if you wanted to get out of this. "How long until you'll take over the next one?"

"At least a week," she said weakly, seemingly not reluctant at all about sharing information. What should she be scared about anyway? You were completely trapped in her universe until you ceased to exist. "It takes a lot out of me to do that. Enjoy being alive." With that, she left you alone in the room.

So, you thought to yourself, that gives me about 2 and a half weeks to get the blazes out of here, right? One week until Substance Bending, the second until History and the third until Projection but I won't stick around that long because when Projection's gone, I'm gone.

You nodded to yourself determinedly. Let's do this.

Then a little voice in the back of your mind spoke up. Do what?

Honestly? You had no idea and spent the rest of your day brainstorming. You never felt hungry but you came up with two reasonable ideas: a - you were a part-time hallucination so you didn't need to eat and b - you were a part of Fall now so when Fall ate, you also got it into your body. You didn't really know which was more reasonable but both were enough to make you not go crazy about it.

By the time you were about to go to sleep, your mind was tired and you hadn't come up with anything to help you. You couldn't ask for help either - you weren't real. So, as you had nothing else to do, you cried yourself to sleep, tears generating from all kinds of emotions: fear, frustration, sadness, homesickness, dread, anger - you name it. Those swiveling in your head were the lullaby. Not the prettiest of sounds and words, but you slept.

Fall (MHA/BNHA X OCish Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now