Chapter 4 - Curiosity

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They couldn't see you. They couldn't hear you. They couldn't feel you. You weren't real for them.


You could feel Fall's evil eyes on you as you stared off to space but you didn't care. She chuckled in a taunting manner. "Aww, did I clip the Dove's wings?"

"What do you want?" you asked quietly, with a broken tone. You felt miserable and wanted nothing more than to go back to your own home where people knew you were there. "Just to torture me and watch me suffer?"

"No, but that's a bonus," Fall answered, not missing a beat. "I've brought you here so I could absorb any training and experience you got in your own world and thus, make you fade away."

"Why?" you asked with a scowl, although you still didn't look up at her. "You have all the same powers I have, if not more."

"But I'm cooked up here so you have more experience," she said. For a second, you thought that you heard a bitter undertone to the sentence but it was gone as quick as it came.

For some time, silence took over the room. You decided to embrace the situation since there was nothing you could do anyway. With that, other worries came into your mind.

You decided to voice them. Yes, you hated Fall with everything you had but she was the only one who could give you answers. "What happens back home?" you asked, finally looking up at her. She seemed to be taken aback by the fact that you were talking. "I mean, if I cease to exist, what happens there?"

"Hmm," she hummed, seemingly deeming your question rather valid. "Since I pulled out a part of your universe, time stopped there. It will just stay like that until you die and then the universe, too, comes to an end."

"And if you were to return me?" you asked, trying to keep your curiosity in check. You knew chances of that were slim but you had to know.

"Like that would ever happen," she scoffed. "Still, I guess it doesn't hurt anyone if you know. It would seem like you were never away. You would just have the memories and that's it." She seemed to have caught the hopeful glint in your eyes since she smirked. "Buuuut, as I said, that's never going to happen."

With an irritated huff, you once again faced the wall you had been previously staring at, trying to create some kind of plan in your mind. There had to be a way for you to get back, right? There was always a way. And you really did hope this situation wasn't an exception.

Fall (MHA/BNHA X OCish Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now