Chapter 7 - Escape

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A week already? you thought. How- Your mind went blank with pain.


The next morning when you woke up, Fall was nowhere in sight. You stared at a wall blankly, trying to gather your thoughts. You didn't understand what was going on. Where were you? Why were your wings so limp? What was going on? And above all - who were you?

Then it hit you. Your whole situation. As you realized your sanity was starting to slip away, your eyes went wide with fear and you did the only possible thing you thought of - you quickly projected some memories, trying to keep your eyes on the goal - getting out of here. And to do that, you had to remember who you were doing that for.

Fall collapsed into the room and you quickly let the projection disappear. She had burn marks on her wings and body so, naturally, you assumed she had a rough time training or something of that sort.

Although it really didn't matter because in a minute, she was unconscious, leaving her mind completely unguarded and open. You didn't hesitate to reach out this time and soon, in a shorter time than you thought, you felt a power surge through you.


You held onto the power with everything you had, knowing that it would soon draw back to its original owner. But that didn't matter - your goal wasn't to make Fall powerless. Your goal was to grasp back your own powers and then get out of here.

So that's what you did. As soon as you touched the 'Fog Wings - Dove' folder in Fall's mind, you could feel and move your wings again and after that, Substance Bending and History came rather easily.

Panting, you were about to let go of 'Obtain' when you remembered that you actually had to get out of here, also. Then, with basically only willpower, you drew 'Wormholes' into your body before letting 'Obtain' go.

The power was making you all tingly and funny in the head but you imagined your own universe, where you were remembered and loved, and created a swiveling purplish-blue portal on the wall. You really hoped this would work.

Then a thought struck you. How do I make sure she doesn't come for me again? But you weren't given time to ponder over it because Fall was starting to stir and you felt her quirk being ripped away from you as the walls around her mind automatically went up.

The portal started to close and desperately, you threw yourself into it, only to land face–first onto your dorm room floor. You groaned, the happiness of fully being yourself again fading away to make way for pain.

A knock sounded on the door. "Y/n, you coming? Even Mineta on his short legs doesn't take that long to retrieve a sweater. You have wings, you could use them for speed, you know?" Definitely Bakugo. Uncharacteristically cheeky but still. It was the side of him he showed only to you. Neither you or him really knew why but, even without talking, you had developed a mutual trust and respect.

"Yeah, in a moment!" you called, scrambling to your feet and grabbing the required item from your chair. It slowly came back to you that class 1-A was going to the cinema to hang out together one last time before everyone went home to be with their families before your second school year.

You united with your class, your hands in your pockets, and fell into pace with Kirishima. "Hey, remind me what movie we're watching," you said with an awkward smile since everything was still kind of hazy. Was all you had experienced just a dream or something like that? You couldn't really tell.

"Oh, I'm not really sure myself," he admitted. "But I think it's something with a multiverse and wormholes and stuff."

You gawked at him. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," he nodded, confusion crossing his face at your reaction. "Is that bad? You seemed pretty happy when we discussed it."

You hummed uncertainly. "Just... An interesting theme, that's it."

"If you say so," he grinned and went on blabbering about some nonsense you weren't listening to.

A familiar voice piped up in your mind.

Y'know, escaping like that is rude.

Not a dream, then. You sighed quietly, the fear that filled you whenever you were around her coming back for a bit. What do you want, Fall? If you want me back there, just give me a warning so I can say proper goodbyes.

No need to snap. She sounded odd - the coldness and all gone from her voice. But I need advice.

From me?

Do you want to help me or not?

I do, it's just uncalled for, you chuckled in your mind, deciding to let loose a bit since she sounded rather genuine. What's up?

I... want to escape. I saw how you watched your memories and... and I realized that perhaps League isn't the place for me. You stayed silent, urging her to continue. So I was wondering if you could help me? I'm not good with people and stuff...

Of course. One condition, though.

Although you couldn't see it, you could feel her nod.

Don't try to take my quirks again.

She laughed lightly. I won't, I promise.

Alright then, you can always come to my world if you want to talk face to face, you told her but promised yourself that you wouldn't be alone when that happened - just to be safe.

You felt her grin. That's going to be so funny. Your friends seeing both of us and all.

Yeah, maybe we could even train together, you offered, happy that a lost soul was starting to find her place. She even felt like a sister to you, in a way - one that you didn't really get along with if you exclude a few rare times. You had always wanted a twin for some reason, too. But this wasn't how you imagined it would end up.

It's a deal, then...? Her voice sounded questioning in your mind, trying to confirm.

It's a deal, Fall.


Current date (when I finished): 17th June 2022

Firstly: I know it's short and with an odd ending but I couldn't figure out how to end it any other way.

Secondly: This probably doesn't live up to 'Dove'. I'm sorry. I wanted to write like a sequel and it was highly requested too but this is literally the best I could come up with - on the MHA trail, I'm currently empty.

I just put all the ideas I had into 'Dove' and then, in a way, nothing was left for anything else. Including this. I hope this didn't completely ruin your experience of 'Dove' and perhaps, if this isn't as bad as I fear, there would be more fun little things like this. Perhaps Dove and Fall meeting again or Dove helping Fall find her way in the non-criminal world. I don't know. It probably depends on the response I'll get to this and the circumstances I'll be in when this finishes publishing (time to write, inspiration, etc.).

This isn't my best work but at least I finished it, right? Please let me know what you think.

Anyway, this has turned out to be a very long note and if you stuck through it, I thank you.

I wish you the best, forever and always <3

- Psyche (@okamusame)]

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