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The idea of having a mate sounded so old-fashioned, so outdated. After all, it was not as if having a mate was anything near the idea one might get from that off-putting title; it was more comparable to a human marriage. At least, that was how Seungmin had always seen it.

Ever since he was born, his parents had ingrained it in his mind that one day, he would wed another worthy, wealthy vampire with royal blood, to continue his bloodline and carry on the family name. He had always brushed it off though. After all, he had a brother, who had always been more keen to meet his mate, more suited to carry on the suffocating title of king. But he was the oldest son, and he knew that he had a duty to carry out.

Of course, he never anticipated how quickly his destiny would catch up with him. To him, it seemed as if one day he was learning how to retract his fangs after feeding, and the next, he was sitting at the dining table being interrogated by his family on his final choice for a mate.

"So, Minnie, who have you chosen?" Sunoo asked, smiling innocently. Seungmin cast Sunoo a withering glare, one that immediately shut up the younger of the pair. "I was just wondering," he mumbled, looking down at his full plate and restlessly pushing around the remnants of food with his fork.

"He's right, you know," the king said, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin. He took a long drink from his goblet, his tongue darting out slightly to catch the small drip of blood that threatened to fall from his lips. "You must tell us so we can make arrangements as soon as possible."

Aware of his parents' intense stares, Seungmin set down his heavy golden utensils and cleared his throat. The noise made the younger prince perk up and pay attention. "I have not yet chosen my mate," Seungmin said, attempting to keep any signs of sass out of his voice, "I still have yet to decide."

His father scoffed immediately, crossing his arms and scanning his son's appearance with a demeaning look. "Your twenty-first birthday is tomorrow, son. You know that if you don't choose by the stroke of midnight tomorrow, you risk losing everything?"

Seungmin avoided eye contact, both the annoyed glare of his father and the concerned one of his mother. "I'm aware," he responded, shifting uncomfortably.

"What about Princess Lee Chaeryeong?" his mother asked hopefully, clasping her hands together. "She is coming of age soon as well, and her parents will be pleased to marry her off."

Seungmin's expression twisted at that. "No, thank you," he said, disdain clear in his voice.

"What about Prince Park Sunghoon?" Sunoo asked, "he's quite handsome."

Seungmin shook his head. "I am not interested in either of them," he said hastily, trying to stop the moot suggestions.

"Someone from the Lee Kingdom, then?" his father asked gruffly.

"No." Seungmin stood up from his seat, annoyed and tired of his family's pushing. "I'm leaving."

"You can't walk away from this conversation much longer," his father warned, "you know the consequences."

"Like I said," Seungmin said sharply, "I'm well aware." He looked back once at his brother, who had a worried look plastered onto his round face, before dramatically exiting the room.


"Who's ready for another round!?" A loud, echoing chorus of cheers bounced off the walls of the small room, cheering on the person who had trays stacked upon their hands and arms, even balancing one upon their head. Each tray was full of frosty mugs of mead, the cold glasses fogged up from the temperature difference of the hot room. "Here you go!" the person sang, their outgoing attitude enticing the loud, drunk customers to order more.

Three figures watched them from behind the bar, each one with a pleasant expression on their handsome face. "They sure know how to rile up a drunk crowd," the eldest one sighed, readying another round of drinks as the bubbly one pranced back over, trays stacked in their hands.

"Works well for this career," the short one murmured, drumming his fingers upon their freckled cheeks.

"I think you already know, Chan," you said, winking, "another round of mead for the entire room."

"I know, I know, (Y/N)," Chan chuckled, filling up a last mug and stacking them on the trays, making sure to hold a steadying hand beneath them. But as he let go of the last tray, it tipped precariously to the side, and you lurched in the same direction in an attempt to save it, causing every other tray balanced on your body to tip as well. The last person behind the bar cried out and waved their hand, a rush of lavender escaping their fingertips and up-righting every single glass, re-balancing them on the trays.

You sighed in relief, fear leaving your body and normal, bright personality returning. "Thanks, Jeongin," you said, winking at the magical boy, whose cheeks turned bright pink at the flirty exchange.

Chan let out a low whine, his long, fluffy gray tail wagging once as he cocked his head to the side, studying Jeongin. "You really need to just tell them how you feel," Chan said honestly, patting Jeongin on the back.

"They would never wed a witch," Jeongin replied bitterly, watching you wait the tables, laughing and lightly flirting with the drunk crowd.

"You don't know that," the short one piped up, "they're friends with all of us, after all. Who's to say they wouldn't marry an unnatural?"

"You don't get it, Felix," Jeongin sighed, looking at (Y/N) with wistful eyes. "They could marry you, you're a prince. And Chan runs his own business. You both guarantee them a happy life."

Felix looked away at the mention of his royal status. "And you couldn't guarantee that? Happiness is not synonymous with wealth, my friend."

Jeongin sighed once more, deeper this time, more weary. "So they say."

The trio watched you finish your round and come back, cheeks flushed dark with pride and exhilaration. "I'd say they're beginning to calm down now," you said, placing the stack of trays onto the counter. "They should begin clearing out soon and we can close for the night."

"I'll start cleaning up," Felix offered, and you slid the trays across to him. He gathered them in his arms and carried them off to the tub in the kitchen, which was already filled with warm water and soap.

"I'll start too," Chan said, picking up the basket full of dirty dishes. "You both stay out here and watch the customers." He too stalked off to the kitchen, leaving you and Jeongin alone.

"You did a really good job tonight," Jeongin said, somewhat shyly. He looked at the ground, cheeks still painted in pink. "They really loved you."

You chuckle, nudging him gently. "Thanks, Jeongin. I try my best, and hey, it seems to work."

"Chan really owes his successful business to you," he joked, nudging you back.

"Don't let him hear you say that," you murmur, holding out your hand, silently asking Jeongin to place his hand in your open palm. He complies, smiling his lopsided smile, dimples appearing and making your heart beat a little faster than normal. His eyes flicker away from you for a moment, scanning the room, which had gotten a lot quieter in the last few minutes.

"Almost everyone is gone now," he said softly, lacing his fingers with yours.

"Is that so?"

"Maybe we should start clearing those tables."
"Or we could stay here for a bit longer." Jeongin nods, agreeing to your lazy request, and you both stand there for a moment, staring into each other's eyes, both lit up with admiration.

"Are you closed?" A cold, silky voice interrupts your warm moment with Jeongin, and you turn around to say yes, we are closed, only for your eyes to meet with the most enticing dark red gaze you had ever come across, nearly making you forget who Jeongin even was.

The owner of that piercing gaze looks away for a moment before looking back, huffing under his breath. "I asked if you are closed," he repeated, crossing his arms impatiently.

You swallow hard. "No, we're not."

poisoned fangs | kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now