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Christopher Bang never considered himself to be a violent person. He always thought of himself as someone who was fairly calm and levelheaded in stressful situations, and he had never had any bloodthirsty urges, even during the full moon. But when Yang Jeongin's corpse was dropped off outside of his pub in the early hours of the morning, he swore he could've torn out Prince Seungmin's throat with his teeth. That vampire's royal blood in his mouth was all he was craving while he sobbed into the stiff body of his best friend.

But it wasn't only Jeongin who he wanted to avenge.

When Felix was sent back to the Lee Kingdom, he was immediately whipped and locked away in the dungeon. Chan saw it with his own eyes when he went to receive his own punishment from the King himself; Felix was shivering in pain in his cell, his thin white shirt stained with blood, old and new. He didn't even turn to look at Chan as he walked by, unable to push himself up into a sitting position. Later on, Chan heard that he was shown mercy, but only when he was dying of fever from the infected, untreated wounds on his back from his so-called "deserved" punishment.

Chan too had received lashings, and he would never forget the feeling of warm blood dripping down his back nor the way he bit through his tongue to prevent himself from screaming out in agony, but what hurt more was seeing his friends receive the same, or worse, punishment.

After that, Felix's older brother Minho had his own ceremony, where he wed a vampire in a slightly lower caste that Chan didn't bother to remember the name of. Felix was forbidden from ever seeing Chan again and only allowed to roam the castle grounds until his own coming-of-age ceremony.

The only friend Chan had left was (Y/N), but they were nowhere to be seen. He assumed that they were still held in captivity by Prince Seungmin.

Correction, being imprisoned by Prince Seungmin.
Afraid that he would be executed if he caused any more trouble, he stayed quiet for the sake of his incompetent roommate, tending to his pub alone and dodging questions from impatient villagers who demanded to know what happened to their cheerful, pretty servers.


You felt emaciated.

You looked emaciated.

You had no dignity left.

Seungmin stood in the corner of the bathroom, red irises boring into your back as Ga-Ram scrubbed your bloody thighs. The bath water turned a sickly pink and you only looked down at yourself, wondering if it was possible to run out of tears. "They're all yours," Ga-Ram muttered, wrapping you clumsily in a towel and pushing you towards Seungmin. You stumbled, dizzy from the contrast of the steaming-hot bath water and the cold floor, and Seungmin stiffly caught you, large hands steadying you.

"The blood is all gone now," Seungmin said, his tone telling you that he was expecting something in return.


His eye twitched slightly at your emotionless response, removing your towel that was beginning to fall. You stood there, shivering slightly but unflinching under his steady gaze as he rewrapped you. "Are you still angry?" he asked.

You felt your ears burn, feelings catching up to you. "I'm never going to forgive you."

"Why not?"

"Why do you even want me to forgive you? Why does it matter?"

"You're my fiancé. I want you to be happy." You wanted to laugh at his response, thinking he was playing some cruel joke, but as you looked at him, his expression was serious. His red tongue darted out from between his thin lips and wet them as you stared quizzically at him.

"You killed the man I loved," you said blankly, "You don't give a fuck about my happiness. Is this a joke?"

"You didn't love him," Seungmin chuckled, "you could never wed a witch."

"Says who?" you bristled, shaking off his grip.

"(Y/N), you wouldn't have been happy with him. He was a terrible little creature." He picked up another towel and dropped it onto your wet hair. "Dry yourself."

"He was not," you snapped, "he was one of my best friends and I loved him. If he had asked me, I would have said yes."

"You're already promised to someone," Seungmin said, somewhat irritably.

"Against my will," you said harshly, "and to a damned vampire."

"You'd rather a witch than a vampire?"

"I'd rather anyone over you."

Seungmin scoffed, and you glared at his reflection in the large mirror. "You're lucky it was me who chose you," he said quietly, "I haven't even drank your blood yet. Aren't you grateful for that?"

"I'd rather have Jeongin back," you retorted, but brought a hand up to your neck, caressing the sensitive area that you knew vampires desired; you could feel your pulse, imagining rushing blood underneath your fingertips.

Seungmin was on top of you before you knew what was going on, his fingers in the place of yours, pressing hard against your neck. "If you're so unbothered," he said lowly, "I suppose it doesn't matter if I drink your blood or not." You squirmed under his firm grasp, attempting to wiggle out of his grip, but his hard, muscular thighs trapped your torso. They felt like steel under your scrabbling hands. "My dear (Y/N)," he crooned, "you're completely and utterly trapped, in every sense of the word. Physically, mentally, legally... you're mine."

You gurgled in response as he squeezed your neck tighter. "And now... I have lost every sense of sympathy for you. I will take what I desire." He bared his teeth, and your teary eyes widened at the sight of them. His fangs, so white, so pure looking. You were aware of the venom that ran through them, and what would become of you once they pierced your flesh. You knew that just one bite could kill you if he let it spread, unless he sucked you dry.

"Please, no," you cried, "I don't want to!"

Seungmin chuckled darkly. "Oh, but darling, I do."
You were speechless as you felt the cold burn of his fangs against your neck, the sharp piercing on your flesh. You could do nothing but lay there as you felt the venom spreading through your veins as he drank deeply, ferociously loud gulps echoing through the chamber. Dark spots appeared in your line of vision, and you whimpered a little as he showed no signs of stopping.

Poisoned. That's what you were now. And that was all you ever would be.

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