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Irritably, you paced around your tiny cell of a room. Annoyingly enough, Seungmin had denied Ryujin and Yeonjun's offers to bring you back to your room, insisting that he wanted to do it himself. You weren't quite sure what you were expecting, but Seungmin had managed to get on your nerves yet again, and you regretted the light conversation you had held with him towards the end of the ball, no matter how casual and non-friendly it was.

Seungmin had pulled out the familiar silver key from his pocket, unlocking the door and pushing it open with his foot. You walked in, half-expected him to follow you, but he started closing the door without another word. "Wait!" you had said hastily, and he paused, finally making eye contact with you.


Regretting your forward-ness, you clamped your mouth shut.

As if he could read your mind, Seungmin's pouty lips formed a cruel smile. He stepped closer to you, gripping your chin roughly and tilting your head upwards so he could look at you closer. You swallowed hard, wishing you had just shut up. "Did you expect me to come inside with you?" he had asked, voice dangerously soft.

"No." Your voice quivered.

"Did you think that just because you're my fiancé to the public that I would treat you as such in private?"


"Are you sure?" His eyes glinted in the morning rays coming through your open curtains. "Why did you stop me then?"

"I misspoke."

Seungmin let out a short bark of a laugh, his parted lips revealing his white fangs. He let go of your chin, pushing you back slightly in the process. "I wouldn't ever sleep with a human," he said smoothly, making your jaw drop in disgust.

"That's not what I—!"

You were cut off as the door slammed shut. The lock clanged into place, and you were left alone, red-faced, embarrassed, and still stuck in your disgustingly heavy gown. Which brought you to your pacing, trying to calm yourself down.

With force, you tugged off your heavy skirts, leaving the stretched fabric strewn across the floor. You yanked off your metal hoopskirt and kicked off your shoes and accessories, tore the itchy hair pins out. You sat there, panting and free from your fashionable confinements. You sat back down at the silvery vanity, realizing that someone had left warm water and a washcloth for you to wash your face, along with a few expensive looking face creams and a matching silver hairbrush. Looking around with suspicion, you finally took a deep breath and used the soft towel, dampened with the water, to scrub at your face. You ignored the face creams and hairbrush, not wanting to use much of what Seungmin was providing for you in retaliation, although you doubted he would care anyways. You dressed yourself in the silky nightclothes reluctantly, realizing there wasn't any other choice in terms of comfortable clothing. You sat there on the stupidly comfortable bed, realizing just how much you were relying on Seungmin, and you hated it. You hated how it was your only option, and how you secretly liked all of the expensive clothing and materials you were provided with. You were a prisoner in the world's most comfortable prison.

Trying to ignore the guilt eating away your stomach, you slid under the smooth, cool covers and laid your head down on the perfectly fluffed pillow, effortlessly falling into a deep sleep, fueled by your exhaustion and the humiliation you had suffered.


You awoke to a tapping noise. At first you thought you were at home, and you were ready to skin your annoyingly concerned neighbor, a paranoid middle-aged woman who had a habit of knocking on your door every so often, claiming she had to warn you of some foreboding event that never actually ended up happening. But you ran your hands along your sheets and sat up, realizing that you were still a prisoner in a terribly comfortable bedroom, and the tapping was coming from your window, where the curtains were still drawn. There was some light seeping in through the small cracks where the curtains parted, and from what you could see it was sunset once again, the familiar orange light leaking through. Hesitantly, you tiptoed over to the window and peeked through the tiny crack. You let out a small yelp and jumped backwards, your twitching eye being met with the desperate gaze of another. "(Y/N)," the person hissed, "open up!"

poisoned fangs | kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now