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"Absolutely not," the older man stormed, slamming a closed fist down onto the armrest of his throne. His cold, dark eyes were hard and resembled the miniature burning coals you used to warm your home in the winter-time. "We agreed that you would marry a royal, a royal vampire. Not some human peasant." He shifted his gaze to you, and you felt nearly frozen, the mere idea of him staring you down making you want to fall to your knees and start apologizing like... well, like a feeble human.

"I never agreed to that," Seungmin said slyly, holding up a hand to make his father stop speaking. Surprisingly, the older man listened and shut his mouth, leaning back in his throne again, a scarily calm expression overtaking his facial features. "You proposed that idea and I never confirmed or denied whether I would listen."

"You do realize that you must continue the bloodline as the oldest son, correct?" the king asked sourly, seeming to realize that his son had found a loophole.

"And I shall do so with my partner of choice," Seungmin responded flatly, unlinking your arms and firmly placing a steady hand on your waist, taking you by surprise.

The king and queen exchanged looks, one of anger and one of concern. But the king rubbed his tired eyes with his fingers, letting out a heavy sigh before looking back up at Seungmin, who had a cocky smirk spread across his unfortunately pleasant face. "Fine," the king spat, "you will marry the human. But only because we are out of options, and your ceremony is to take place tonight."

The queen shivered a little at her husband's compliance, but the way she looks over you shows that she has no more mercy than her husband. The only semi-pitiful look comes from the young prince on the other side of the queen, who has a thoughtful smile on his face and eyes that seem to tell you everything is going to be okay. He still says nothing as Seungmin guides you back out the large doors, the two vampires who kidnapped you bowing deeply as he passes, ignoring them completely. Seungmin nods at them and quietly says, "Thanks, Ryujin, Yeonjun." You keep your lips sealed the entire time he guides you through the halls, instead fixing your ever-shifting gaze on the décor and aesthetic of the castle. It's only when Seungmin opens two tall, white doors and leads you inside do you find the courage to speak.

"What the hell was that?" you hiss, wanting to shove Seungmin against a wall and spit on his terribly handsome face, "what are you on about? Me being your fiancé? Don't make me laugh."

Seungmin's expression is unchanging as he watches you pace, eventually walking over to the window and exclaiming angrily out loud as you realize it's got metal bars preventing your escape. "This will benefit both of us," Seungmin said simply, walking over to join you by the open window, admiring the light breeze that was blowing in. You felt anger bubbling up in your throat and wished you could spit poison at the cocky man in front of you.

"I don't care if it'll benefit me," you snap, "I didn't ask for this."

Seungmin seems surprised at your continuous anger. "You'll be a royal," he said slowly, "you do realize that?"

"I don't want to be a royal!" you shout, frustrated, hands gripping your hair tightly as you pull on it in frustration, "I was happy with my life! What gives you the right to come in and trample all over it and then use me for your benefit?"

"I said it would benefit both of us, not just me."

"Don't give me that bullshit," you mutter, leaning heavily against the stone wall next to the window, "this is all to make you happy, to help you escape your silly little marital problems and responsibilities."

Seungmin's expression hardens at your tone and he roughly reaches over and slams the window shut, rattling the sturdy metal bars and making you jump. "Fine, then. I won't be so kind." He stalks out of the room, refusing to look back at you as he pulls the door shut and slams it even harder than he did the window. You stand there in stunned silence for a moment, before the anger returns and you kick the wall, regretting it instantly as you curse out loud and grab your foot in pain.

poisoned fangs | kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now