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Your jaw dropped, almost comically wide, as you stared at the man sitting across from you, who was sipping his mead nonchalantly, as if the idea of proposing to you out of nowhere meant next to nothing to him.

"Are you fucking crazy? I barely know you! You barely know me!" you spluttered, standing up and backing away from him.

"Does that really matter?" he asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at you.

"Of course it does!" you shouted, head spinning.

The incredibly attractive prince put down his empty mug of mead and wiped his mouth primly with his fingers, before propping up his head with his hand, his eyes half-lidded with content. Even through his heavy lids, you could see his red irises flashing at you and drawing you in.

You barely knew Prince Seungmin of the Kim Empire. That was a fact, and no one could deny it. One thirty-minute conversation with him didn't make him a friend, let alone a possible husband, and you cringed at the idea of being married, especially to someone as seemingly uptight as Seungmin. But even though there were no good reasons at all to accept this stranger's proposal, you could feel something pulling you in. It felt like an invisible rope had wrapped itself around your neck and was slowly reeling you in the more you looked at Seungmin. He flashed a half-smile at you, just enough for his long, sharp fangs to catch the light and glint menacingly at you.

A chill went down your spine.

His good looks and charms didn't change the fact that he was a vampire, and you were a human. And that one look at his fangs was enough to cut that invisible rope off your neck and fling it as far away as possible.

"Get out," you said, voice shaking with fear. "Get the hell out of here."

Seungmin just raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"You know what you did," you snapped, backing away from him further. Jeongin and Chan appeared at your side with a simple snap of Jeongin's fingers, his magic making teleportation easy.

"Don't make her ask again," Jeongin threatened, pulling you close to him and making heat rise to your cheeks. Chan growled beside you, his own sharp teeth bared as a sign of hostility towards Seungmin.

Seungmin glanced at Jeongin's firm grasp on your waist and clicked his tongue in disapproval. "I'll go," he said in a dangerous, silky voice, "but we'll be seeing each other very soon, (Y/N)." He sniffed the air in disgust at Chan's growls that were growing in volume. "Good night to you, witch, wolf. I hope to never see either of you ever again." And with a flap of his cape, he was gone, disappearing instantaneously into the black night.

You huddled closer to Jeongin, not realizing you had tears in your eyes until now. "What does that mean?" you whispered, looking into his eyes, which were filled with wordless concern. "What does he mean, we'll be seeing each other again soon? Is he coming back?"

"No," Jeongin said firmly, hugging you tightly. "Chan, Felix, and I won't let him near you ever again."

"Promise?" you whimpered, gripping his cape tightly in your fists, not wanting to let go in fear of Seungmin returning.

"Promise." Jeongin kissed the top of your head gently, his magical lips instantly soothing you. "I promise. That idiotic prince won't ever lay his hands on you again."

Felix slowly stood up from behind the counter, big eyes narrowed with anger and worry. Making sure to double check the door before leaving his hiding spot, he rushed over to you, capturing you in a hug, the gesture finally making the tears spill out. "Damn it," you spat, your voice wobbly even with the cold edge that had seeped in, "I hate crying in front of people." Chan and Jeongin exchanged awkward smiles, not quite sure if they should laugh or not.

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