Chapter 6

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"How can my own son be so stupid!" Kan said while hitting his own son with a belt. Macau couldn't run away so he tried to protect his face with his arms. The hits were so hard that he could feel his skin piercing below the sleeves of the shirt. For some reason he couldn't even shout to call help.

"You idiot, you uncovered the location to the main family! Why don't you ever think about the consequences of your own actions!" his father shouted while he pushed him even closer to the railing over the lake of the safehouse. Finally his brother heard Kan yelling and ran outside.

"Father..." Vegas said with wide eyes as he saw the blood dripping from Macau's arms all over the floor.

"Go back inside or you'll receive the same treatment, clear!?" his father yelled. Macau managed to look up for a moment, he didn't say a word, but his eyes clearly asked for help, it couldn't continue like that. Vegas didn't even realize what happened next.

"I just remember seeing myself on the border of the lake with a piece of wood in my hand and my father's corpse floating on the water of the lake... I don't know what I did exactly..." Vegas told Pete, who didn't see anything since Vegas ordered him to stay in his room.

Vegas knew why his father was hitting Macau, he knew that it was his fault if the main family knew where they were hiding, but he just didn't care. He helped him with his wounds and tried to talk to him, Macau refused every time, even when Pete tried to use his soft smile to make him open up a little bit. Nothing. Macau sat on a chair in the living room and looked at a point in the void, probably hearing his father's voice still shouting in his ears.

Pete walked to Vegas, he saw him holding his phone, he tried to ask him whom he was talking to but Vegas raised his hand, Pete understood that he had to stay silent and listened to the rest of the conversation. "Yes uncle, I'm really sorry... I don't know how it happened, he fell into the water and drowned, he probably drank too much... you know that he used to do it... yeah... yeah... we will come back to the city... yes... both me and Macau, don't worry... I'm hope that you managed to find the mole in the family... good bye" Vegas said and hung up.

"So, we're going home?" Macau asked.

"Yes... we should let the doctor take a look at those wounds..."

A few minutes later Kinn was called to the conference room, he walked there with Porsche, who stood behind him as usual. He looked at his father and asked what was so pressing for such a meeting. Korn didn't talk immediately, he waited for a while until he found the right words and he eventually made a speech.

"My brother is dead. Vegas called me a few minutes ago to inform me about it. He said that it was an accident but we all know Vegas's nature, am I right? I'm pretty sure he killed him, we should have expected it. I can't say that he didn't deserve it though, the thought of killing his own father will be a good punishment for him, we don't have to do anything else about it. Vegas told me that they will soon come back to the city. I don't care what you will do to him, you can choose freely" Korn said and left the room without giving his son enough time to react to all that.

Kinn turned to Porsche: "I will go on the balcony for a few minutes, can you make sure no one comes to bother me?"

"Sure" Porsche replied.

Kinn placed his hands on the iron of the railing, he looked around and thought about all the recent events. He felt relieved because of that death, Vegas wasn't the best cousin but Kan was an even worse uncle. Suddenly his phone started ringing, he picked up.

"Vegas, nice to hear your voice again"

"No bullshit this time, Kinn. I need you to promise that you won't hurt Macau, I feel like he... changed after it"

"Don't tell me you killed Kan in front of his own son, really cruel from you, Vegas."

"Shut up! You don't know what happened..."

"Then why don't you tell me?" Kinn said chuckling.

"He was hurting him..." Vegas replied.

"And you decided to become a good older brother all of a sudden?"

"Fair. Now tell me, will you promise that or not?" Vegas asked.

"What will I get in return?"

"Does your brother miss his bodyguard?"

"You bastard..." Kinn said before Vegas hung up the phone. 

KinnPorsche: Escalation (VegasPete, Tay, KimPorchay)Where stories live. Discover now