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Gov x Florida
Florida's Pov
I started walking up to the house and asked Loui what the time was.
"Aroundd 3:40 amm" he slurred through his words, he was way more drunk than me I was only a little tipsy and he was blackout drunk. I opened the door and he walked upstairs to his room. I got myself some water and sat on the couch until I heard something down the hall. There was only one room downstairs, my boyfriend Gov's room. I went down the hall to check on him. I knocked on the door to no response. I figured he was asleep but to make sure I cracked open the door and saw Gov awake at his desk I grabbed a chair and sat down next to him.
"Whatcha doing awake" I asked leaning on his arm he turned to me.
"Working" He replied I pouted.
"But you need to sleep!" I told him he gave me an angry look.
"You're awake too my love" he said with a stern but caring voice.
"If I go to sleep now, you'll just stay awake for the rest of the night" I complained as he pierced his lips together thinking about what he wanted to do.
Gov's Pov
I couldn't decide I needed to get more work done but Florida needed sleep. He kept pestering me to go to sleep. I stood up, picked him up, brought him to my bed, laid him down and went back to my work.
"Govvvvv" he whined "you need sleep!"
"I need to work, go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning" I pleaded, turning to him.
"I can do this all night, either come over here and cuddle with me or be pestered." He threatened, reaching his arms out for me. I sighed. I stood up, cleared off my desk and turned off my computer and laid down next to him. He scooted up to me and I reached my arms around him. I fell asleep quickly and comfortably.

So I was planning to make this chapter longer, but I had no motivation this might get a part 2 in a couple days :).

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