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Third pov
It was one of those weird days where the six of them had the house to themselves. New York, Gov, and Texas were talking on the couch, Florida and Louisiana were in Florida's room playing video games, and Cal was in the kitchen getting ingredients ready to make cake. New York was sitting on his phone not really adding much to the conversation he looked over and saw that Cali was baking. The Empire State stood up and walked over to the kitchen.
"Can I bake with you?" He asked, Cal nodded and New York put on an apron.
Texas paused in the middle of talking "where did New York go?"
Gov looked behind him, "I think the kitchen."
They got up to see what he was doing.
"What're y'all doin?" Texas asked Cal told them.
"Wanna join?" Cal asked, they said yes and put on aprons. They continued to prepare ingredients. Louisiana and Florida came downstairs. Florida was holding a Mickey stuffed animal Cal got him.
"Oooh are you baking! Can we join?" Florida yelled.
Cal nodded and told him to just stay away from the oven. Gov read through the recipe.
"Okay hand me the flour." Cal said Texas picked up the flour and spilled some on the island.
"Oh god" Cal laughed and took the flour from him.
Texas cleaned up the flour. They continued to go about combining the ingredients. Florida was sitting on the counter behind them getting slightly bored due to the minimal chaos. He hopped off the counter and wrapped his arms around Cal slightly scaring him.
"I love you" he gushed and continued to rattle off every compliment in the books. Cal covered his now very red face.
"Anyway, ignore the pda over there." New York smirked, taking over.
"You're just jealous I'm not flirting with you." Florida giggled and New York Cupped Florida's face in his hands.
"You're lucky I'm crazy in love with you because you're on thin fucking ice" New York threatened. After a bit they got to a point where they had to use the stand mixer and Florida turned it up too high and cocoa powder blew up in their face. They all broke down in laughter.
"Can I lick the chocolate off your face?" Florida asked Texas. Texas looked at him confused.
"It's raw cocoa powder it wouldn't taste very good" Texas replied wiping the chocolate off his face he froze when he realized.
"You got chocolate in your hair sha" Louisiana chuckled pointing at Gov.
"So do you dear" Gov replied and stroked through Louisiana's hair and a bunch of chocolate fell out.
"That's so much chocolate," Cal laughed, brushing his own hair to get the chocolate out.
"Do you think it's salvageable?" New wondered looking into the bowl.
"Well, I think we should at least try!" Texas grabbed his hand. Louisiana turned the stand mixer back on this time at a lower speed. They got the cake in the oven, and started to put the ingredients away. They took the cake out of the oven and put it on the counter to cool. While the cake cooled they all took turns showering the chocolate off.
"I wanna cuddle, can we cuddle?" Florida asked Loui.
"Can I cuddle with you guys?" Gov asked Florida nodded.
"We should all cuddle!" Cal chimed in Florida, got excited and all six of them cuddled on the couch. After a while they all forgot about the cake and one by one fell asleep on the couch.
Hey Wolf you live in Illinois it's midnight for you what're you doing? He asks itself as she dose himself not know. Anyway I'm gonna have to do more ot6 stuff cause it is so cute I love them together. :D

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