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This was requested by @Emilygomes I hope I did your idea justice
Georgia x New York x California
New York's Pov
It was around 7:00am I was sitting on Cali's bed cuddling with Georgia Cali was at his desk working.
"We should do something together today," Cali suggested I nodded and we started suggesting ideas.
"Any ideas Sleepy?" Cali asked Georgia, he nodded.
"It's peak peach season so we could go to an orchard." Me and Cali.
"Let's have breakfast first." Cali advised, I stood up and grabbed Cali and Georgia's hands as we walked downstairs.
California's Pov
No one was in the kitchen yet, so I headed over to the counter and started to brew a pot of coffee while New York made toast. I got out three mugs and filled each with coffee and passed the cups to the two other boys so they could sweeten to their liking. I poured some creamer into mine and sat down as New York handed me and Georgia our toast and sat down next to us. Gov came in from down the hall. It didn't matter though he was the only one that knew we were together.
"Good morning," he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. We told him about what we're doing today.
"And if anyone asks we're at different places" New York hissed Gov nodded. We finished our breakfast and I made tea and put it in a thermos then we headed out. We have a system rotating who drives who, sits in the passenger and who sits in the back seat. The person who has to sit in the back gets to control the music. It was my turn to drive and New's turn in the backseat. The three of us got into my car. Georgia looked up a nearby orchard and we headed that way. New York put on some show tunes. Me and Georgia were the only ones who knew he liked theater. It makes sense, as he has Broadway, he just doesn't talk about it with other people. We made it to the orchard and I parked the car. I opened the door and looked over to Georgia asleep.
"Hey peaches, wake up" I smirked. New York opened the passenger door. We looked at each other and both kissed him on the cheek. He woke up flustered, we told him we were here, we got out of the car and walked to the little gift shop at the front. We paid for access to the orchard and got bags.
We went around and picked some nice peaches and caused a little bit of chaos.
"Hey Peaches, do you think you could pull a peach apart with your ahands? '' New York tossed a smaller peach to Georgia. He tried to pull apart the fruit and he was able to! Although it took so much force he fell backwards.
"Are you okay?" I yelled running up to him.
"Yeah I'm fine" he rubbed the back of his head and I helped him up. We finished up at the orchard and left for home. We went inside expecting the regular chaos but saw nothing. We saw a note on the kitchen counter.
"Enforced mandatory out of the house time see you later -Gov" the note read. He only makes everyone leave the house if someone royally fucks up.
"Oh god what did they do?" New York shook his head looking up from the note.
"Lets just hope no one died," Georgia sighed, shaking his head.
Georgia's Pov
"So what should we do with the peaches?" Cali asked, filling his thermos up.
"We could make peach pizza," I suggested while sitting at the island.
"That sounds like a disgrace" New York remarked, I pouted, New York pulled our foreheads together, "I was just joking don't worry" he kissed me we pulled away and began cooking we rolled out croissant dough, and put it in the oven. I showed them how to make quick peach jam, and we took the dough out of the oven and assembled the dessert with the jam and cream cheese. We put it in the oven and watched tv while we waited for it to cook. We took it out of the oven and cut it up. I handed them both a slice and they tried it.
"This is good," Cali smiled. We sat back down and talked and laughed while we ate the rest of the pizza. We put the peaches we didn't use in the fridge.
750 words! Anyway I'm incredibly tired and am gonna go to bed have a good day

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