The Master of the Realm (1/2)

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Content warnings: Implied Murder, Implied Torture, and Implied Death. 

None of it is graphic, but I still want to warn people for precautionary reasons.


A robloxian wakes up to the sound of a radio playing, feeling cold. The last thing they remembered was freezing to death after someone thought it was funny to freeze the entire ship. Slowly sitting up, they look up to see a –rather ominous– countdown.

Bracing themself for the eventual end of the countdown, they sat in a fetal position to protect themself from the impact that never came. Slowly looking up, they see a disembodied face smiling down at them.

"Hello. I am The Master of the Realm that you call 'Inbetween' or 'Limbo'. You're currently the [REDACTED] person to join my realm..."

The robloxian starts to shake.

"...And my newest toy! Sadly, I have to get new ones as my old toys keep breaking. Let's play, shall we? Or better said, I watch as you panic and die a painful death." The Master smiles down at the trembling robloxian.

"Hmm... What to do to you?" He puts a hand to his face in a thinking gesture.

"Oh, I know! How about I have my minions take care of you? Better start running!" The Master spawns a few grey robloxians, all of which are quickly surrounding the robloxian.

Shakily getting up, the robloxian starts to run, allowing the adrenaline to take care of the rest. The adrenaline rush didn't help, but it kept them running.

The Master watches as the robloxian aimlessly runs around the barren "forest". This form of torture never really got old to him, but there was something different about this time. Seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes kept getting longer.

The Master rests his "head" on his palm. They've been running for quite some time now, and the minions weren't able to catch up with them. He lets out a sigh, before grabbing the robloxian.

"You're still not dead?" He asks.

The robloxian didn't answer him, not even in gestures.

"Tch. You were taking too long. Come back when you're willing to play." The Master rolls his eyes, opening up a portal to the spaceship and throwing the robloxian into it.

Maybe he should just screw with their mind a bit while they're on the ship instead...

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