myth Albert

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A/N: The idea of myth Albert isn't my idea. This is just my version of Myth!Albert (this is pretty much a role-reversal AU, so Kaden and adam are also the myths in this version)

Albert, Kaden, and Adam do not belong to me, they belong to themselves.

Content warnings: Implied torture. 

((maybe I would come up with a reference for myth!Albert? I might either draw or use a character editor, but for now, you can google myth Albert and take what you can there))


Albert was walking in his palace and made his way to a window, seeing the group of people outside his window.

Ever since those hunters came to investigate, he's been getting more and more "Visitors". It's not that he didn't want more followers (more followers meant more people willing to do his dirty work), but ever since the investigation, it's been getting harder and harder to find people who actually want to work for him, or if they were trying to get information out of him, hence why he stopped "hiring" people. 

He's already had it bad enough with the "I spy an Alberto" group, but that situation was manageable by itself. Now, he can't trust anybody that wasn't already working for him.

So, Albert did what he did best, and closed the curtains on them, before going to his "Stress-relief" room to check on his prisoners (mainly to relieve stress using them, but also to check to see if they haven't escaped).



And Felipe Jr.

(and some of the dying prisoners, but we don't mention them here)

Felipe jr. was his favorite (So much so, that he didn't really consider him to be a prisoner).

Albert walked over to Jr. and picked him up.

"Come on, child, Let's go see Mr. Kaden or Mr. Speedy." Albert says as he walks the child out.

Once Jr. was out of the room, he came back to look at Felipe and Felipa.

Albert then proceeded to walk over to the cage that Felipe and Felipa (Felipe jr wasn't in a cage, he doesn't really hurt kids, he has standards).

"I want to play a little game. Felipe, mind if you step out for a minute?" Albert says as he opens Felipe's cell door.

Felipe wasn't given much of a choice, as he was dragged out by Albert manhandling him.





Albert looked at the small pile of styrofoam blood "staining" the cold concrete floor.

The worst part wasn't the remorse that he felt after brutally beating up the styrofoam people, It was the undeniable fact that he has to clean up their remains and putting them back together.

Sometimes Kaden or Adam would help, but they were too busy helping with Felipe Jr.

So, Albert gathered up Felipe's remains, and put them back together.

That's why these two are his favorite prisoners, he can do virtually whatever sadistic torture methods he can (As long as they aren't torn into very small pieces). 

Although they break into pieces, they 1) Can't feel pain (Albert doesn't know if they can feel pain, neither does he care), and 2) can be put together, saving him time on finding any prisoners that would either die quickly or develop a form of Stockholm syndrome [meaning that their complacency wouldn't make the tortures as fun].

After leaving the stress relief/angry room, Albert went to his library and got his picturebook, and started flipping through it.

Oh, how he missed the old days...

He can't really go back to them, so those days remain, only to serve as memories...

Albert closed the book, not wanting to dwell on the past. He can't change the things that happened in the past, but he can live in the future.

And live he did, homeboy was living a life in a palace with his friends and girlfriend for goodness sake.


A/N: I might come up with a backstory for him, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with a backstory.

This can also be considered a role reversal AU, but I didn't really mention that.

(fun fact; the original plot was gonna be g0z and unstable day and/or some of the other myths hunting him [at his survival the Albert the killer place], but I changed it to this story)

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