Chapter Two

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Dani's P.O.V.

"Please welcome our special guest for today, Mr. Kevin Love," I exclaimed, clapping with the the audience. After I said this, a very handsome, 6 foot, 10 inches tall, man walked out to the stage. I have seen pictures of Kevin Love, and he was definitely attractive, but in person? This man was hella hot, like, WOW. His smile was to die for and he was fit. No wedding ring? That's what I'm talking about.

"Hi," He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I responded, smiling back. The plan was that I was going to meet him before the show, but that didn't happen. Bummer,

"You, too. How's everyone doing?" He asked the audience, that responded by cheering loudly.

"Wow, this is a pretty nice set up,"

"I know," I said. "So, you're currently playing for the Cavaliers right here in Cleveland. How does this team differ from the other teams that you've played on?"

"Well, this team definitely is a family. When I first came here, they welcomed me with open arms. And, I think that the team really gels together, and that's evident when we play. I'm really comfortable here."

"You're originally from Oregon, right?" He nodded. "What's one thing you miss from there?"

"Probably just friends and family. With my job, I basically have to go wherever they tell me to." He laughed. "Where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Nebraska." I said.

"And, you live here in Cleveland?" I thought I was the one asking questions.

"Yeah, job's orders." I laughed. "So, let's move on. We have some fan questions. Some may be funny, some not, some inappropriate, some not."

"Let's start with the inappropriate ones," He laughed. I led him to the Social Screen where we could stay connected with social media, before I turned to the camera.

"Remember guys, the social screen will stay up and we'll visit it some more after this. If you're question doesn't get answered, your welcome to keep sending it with the hash tag AskKevinLove."

"Oh, I got my own hash tag. I'm excited." Kevin commented. I rolled my eyes playfully before going to the first question.

"So, first we have Nicole, who asks, 'Kevin, what would you rate your hotness on a scale of 1-10?' "

"Um, I don't know, that's hard." He rubbed his chin in thought as the females in the audience screamed 10s and 9s. "I guess, maybe an 8. I don't know, I don't usually rate myself."

"I'm sure the ladies disagree with that."

"I know, I'm sorry. What would you rate yourself?" He asked me. Oh, crap.

"I don't know, let me think." I tapped my chin.

"Fellas, come on," Kevin said to the audience. "Look at her, solid 15, right.?"

"I thought we were only going to 10?"

"Well, I guess you broke the scale with your beauty," I blushed ferociously.

"Thank you," The audience aw'ed. "Anyways, next question. Brian asks, how often do you train?"

"As much as I can, but I usually take Saturdays off." I nodded.

"Okay, what's your guilty pleasure?"

"Would women count?" The audience roared. "Just kidding, but probably chinese food."

"Oh, I love chinese food." I said. "Last question for now is from Anna, who asks, 'Are you single?' "

"I am, indeed, single." The females screamed.

"Sounds like people are happy to hear that," I laughed.

"I bet they are. How about you?" He asked.

"What? Am I happy that your single?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, are you single?" He clarified.

"Oh," I blushed, wondering why he suddenly became the interviewer. "Yes, I am."

Kevin's P.O.V.

"Welcome back to Basketball in Our Eyes, in case you forgot, I'm Danielle and this is our special guest tonight, Kevin Love." I smiled at the camera. "Next, Kevin and I are going to play a little one-on-one basketball."

"And, I'm going to win," I cut in. She looked back at me with raised eyebrows.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Love." At first, I thought she was calling me love, but then I remembered what my last name was. Ha.

"Oh, I'm not, Scott." She turned back to the camera and finished her intro. I took this time to admire her. I have seen my fair share of beautiful women, but she was something different. She was funny, entertaining, smart, the whole package. And, she was SINGLE. How is a girl like her single? I know that if I would of known her before today, she definitely would not be single right now.

"Are you ready?" She asked me, with a ball in her hand.

"Whenever you are," I smirked. We both had changed into clothes that were appropriate for basketball and we moved to a basketball court.

"Alright, your ball." I shook my head, passing it back to her after she passed it to me.

"Nah, ladies first." She rolled her eyes but nodded. I covered her as she dribbled the ball, my hand on her back. She took a step back and shot the ball, making her first point. I wasn't expecting it so I didn't reach up to block. "Woah, have you played before?"

"All through middle school, high school and college." She smirked.

"What? I didn't know that,"

"Are you scared now?" She taunted, passing the ball.

"Please," I scoffed. She covered me as I dribbled the ball. I didn't want to be an asshole and demolish her by shooting over her because they was a clear height difference, and because I didn't want her to think I was some douche. I shot the ball over her, making it.

"Nice," We played for a few more minutes and I ended up winning. Not because I was trying to beat her but she couldn't really defend me. I didn't try to defend her, I let her make her shots, but I still ended up winning. But it was on 10-9, so I didn't embarrass her or anything.

"You're pretty good," I complimented, once the cameras were shut off.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself." She smiled.

"So, why aren't you playing basketball anymore?" I asked.

"I got injured,"

"Oh, I know how that goes." I nodded. "Any plans on playing again?"

"I don't know. I'm comfortable with my situation now," She shrugged.

"What part of Cleveland do you live in?" I asked. I was going to learn as much as possible about this girl.

"I live a couple minutes away from Quicken Loans Arena, that's all I'm saying."

"So, that means you'll come see me play on Monday?" I smiled.

"Are you flirting with me?" She raised her eyebrows, a smile playing on her lips.

"Depends," I said. "Will you come to the game?"

"Depends," She mocked me, making me raise my eyebrows in shock. "What time?"


"I'll see what I can do," She said.

"And, I'll see what I can do about this flirting problem," I laughed.

"What flirting problem? I don't have a problem,"

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