Party, Drunk, I love you ~ Jonathan Byers

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I was riding my bike to Will's house with Dustin to drop him off so the boys could go to school. It was their last day and they wanted to make the most of it, so they took off immediately. I chuckled and dropped my bike and knocked on the Byer's front door. I heard the doorknob twist and the door click open. I looked up and saw Joyce standing at the door. She stepped aside to let me in, so I walked in. She handed me a cup of water as I sat down on the couch waiting for Jonathan. "Jonathan! She's here!" I looked around the room and saw a few things had moved since I was last over. Jonathan and I are in high school, but our last day already came, and we were going to a party that Steve and Nancy were hosting. I heard a door open then close and I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Y/n." Jonathan sighed. He rushed to get ready. "Hey." I replied, waving. "Shall we?" He motioned to the door, and I took his arm and we left. "Bye Joyce!" I yelled before I got into the car. "Bye sweetie! Have fun you two! Be safe!" She yelled back. I nodded and stepped into the car, and we took off.

-time skip-

We arrived at the party and walked in. We arrived a bit later so there were already a lot of people there. The place reeked of smoke and alcohol and sounded like a bunch of pre-drunk high schoolers. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed one of the plastic red cups and filled it with the punch that was in the bowl. Jonathan walked over and threw his arm around my shoulders. "Don't drink too much. It might be spiked." I looked at him and chuckled. "I know it is. I can smell it from here." I downed the alcohol-filled punch and grimaced. "Holy shit that burns." Jonathan laughed lightly and grabbed some of the punch also downing it.

~sometime later~

Drunk on the couch. That's where I ended up after one too many drinks. On the couch, a drunk mess. I now reeked of alcohol and was completely wasted. My eyes were closed, and the room felt like it was spinning. I heard footsteps come near me, but I didn't bother to open my eyes. I just sat there half asleep. I felt arms wrap under my legs and behind my back and under my right arm. "Damn you're light..." I heard someone whisper.

~more time passes by~

I hear a door open, and I shift around in the person's arms, trying to find out where I am. I was then placed down on what seemed to be my bed and then the bed sank, and the other person sat down. "Hopefully you don't remember me saying any of this to you when you wake up... But I really like you Y/n. I've known you for God knows how many years and I can't think about how much different my life would be without you. Everything we've done up to this point has been amazing. We had gotten closer because of our little brother's and now I think it's safe to say we love them both more than ever. You really are my whole world, Y/n. I love you." I then felt weight on top of me and felt the person kiss my lips. I knew then and there that it was Jonathan. We've kissed before but as the "close friends'' type of kiss. Like... reeeeally close friends. "I love you too, Jonathan." I whispered, smiling.

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