Chapter 5: Isolated

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"WHAT?!?!?" You're telling me to stay here isolated?!"

"Look, (Y/N), I know it sounds crazy but look at it in the long-term. You could be our spy. Obtain a different identity and just blend in. KrugerSec can't track newly bought phones unless bought from them directly or a company linked to KrugerSec. No major technology company has any ties with them, apart from Apple but we shut that down pretty quickly. Buying a phone here is completely harmless, KrugerSec hasn't established any connections here yet."

"I'm pretty sure you were implying that-"

"That you come back with me, yes. I know. But we have to keep you there until the situation alleviates. We need an insider there (Y/N), think of how important this would be for us Runners. KrugerSec has the upper hand right now, we can't let them gain more ground."

"I-...ugh. Fine. I can stay. Just get me out of here sooner rather than later."

"(Y/N), we'd love to have you home but give Korea a chance. I don't know why you're still holding on to this anti-Korea thing when you could just let it go."

"My hate for Korea goes much more deeper than that, you and I both know damn well why."

"Can't run away from your roots forever brother. Good luck out there."

Static followed suit.

"Icarus? ICARUS! Answer me you prick!"

No response was heard.

"Damn it...fuck's sake now I gotta go find my grandparents' place..."

Pulling out your GPS courtesy of Plastic, you quickly pulled up your coordinates and realized you had a while to go before you would find a place to say. You knew where their apartments were because you had been to them so many times when you were younger.

Your mom's side was in Seoul, right next to where K-Sec was setting up so it was going to be dangerous.

But you really had no other choice. It was either this or be on the run constantly.

As tempting as it was, you knew Icarus was right when he told you to play it safe.

It wasn't a far run anyway, just a couple miles. Nothing you couldn't handle. It would also give you an excuse to see the Seoul nightlife which was always a pleasant sight.

You got up and warmed up

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You got up and warmed up. All the while thinking,

'What the hell have I gotten myself into?'


Icarus was on his way back to the airport as he realized now that he was no longer needed. He hated, no, despised the fact that he was leaving his bestfriend to fend for himself but he knew he was much better suited for the Korean life.

As he looked Korean, people would be less suspicious of him. Sad truth, but still. The truth.

Icarus whipped out a phone he bought not too long ago. Waste of money but, a necessary purchase. As phones weren't yet a threat in Korea, buying one here was a smart option.

How Long Do I Have To Keep Running? (Irene x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now