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________HERE YOU GO_________

Yn get up without saying anything went towards her room...

Jk- where are you going?

Yn- I'm tired , I need to rest....good night

Jk was smiling hearing her angry replies..

Jk was smiling hearing her angry replies

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Jk- she is still the same...

Jk then went in her room...

Jk- yaa you are sleeping, I thought we are going to hills . Forget it you must be tired al..

Yn immediately woke up ...

Yn- you didn't forgot?I thought you f..

Jk hit her on her head and said...

Jk- Dumbo how can I forgot this. I remember we promised after wr grown up we'll go to hills to watch night sky full of stars and then comeback after watching sunrise.... so shall we go now miss yn?

Yn- ofcourse (she was quite happy and Jungkook was happy seeing that)

They then packed necessary things and went for their short picnic...

YN- umm kookie I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for giving the details of your project to might have suffered huge loss because of me right?

JK(laughing)- No, because the project you told him about is not orginal...

Yn- what do you mean? Wait even he..he was saying something like that project changing like I made fool of him or something...

Jk- actually , I got to know that your brother is abroad but...but seeing your condition, know financially it was quite unimaginable so I thought of following you ..okay I'm sorry for doing this but I have no other option and I'm glad I did , cause if not it would have been different. So I followed you and got to know that you met hyonjo and therefore I thought it must be related to project so I changed the project already but didn't told you..and see that's what happened...

Yn- I.. I'm sorry koo... it's a..

Jk- shutup yn it's not yours. Anyways let's forget this now. No more talk on this topic okay?

Yn- hmm

They then didn't talked about it and after a while they reached the hill station. They park their car and went on hills .

Jk - yaa yniee wh..why are you running you will fall down see it's quite dar..dark here..slow down.

Yn- yaa Jungkook are you still scared of dark? Come on you are grown up , Don't be a child and come fast...

Jk- No, I'm not scared....huh

Yn- I know you are ...

Jk- no I'm n...aahhh(suddenly he screamed)

Yn- stop it kookiee, I'm not a kid.

But he didn't replied...

Yn - why did you get silent now? Huh I'm not going to fall for your drama...

Yn didn't look back and was going forward when she realised Jungkook is not replying. She thought of checking him, so she turned was turning back..

Yn- yaa why are you n...

Yn turned back and saw there was no one...

Yn- yaa koo... where are you? Look it's not time for your jokes ..come out...koo? Koo? Yaa

Yn didn't heard anything so she went back to find him..she was running and was screaming his name..

Yn- kookiee please say something..where are you ..? Kookiee kookiee...

Her eyes become watery , she was calling his name when suddenly someone grabbed her feets....

Yn- leave ..leave me please...Help help help kookiee help where are you kookiee ( she started crying) kooki...

Suddenly she heard a laughing from behind.

Jk- Now say who is scared ? (He was still laughing but yn was crying)

Jk- Now say who is scared ? (He was still laughing but yn was crying)

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Jk- ya yn I'm sorry don't cry ...I was just teasing you

Yn- don't talk to me , I hate you. Do you think this is something to joke about? Do you know how worried I got not seeing you (crying)... I..I was af.. afraid I'll lose ag...

But Jungkook Hugged her ..

Jk- I.. I'm sorry ynniee ..I . Won't do this again... promise..I didn't know you will get this much scared... I'm sorry.. please don't cry ...and I won't leave you alone ever again ... now don't cry and let's go otherwise we will miss the beautiful stars...

Yn- Hmm...and remember don't you ever dare to even think about doing that again... I'll not talk to you ..

Jk- okay miss yn I promise...

And then they went towards top of hill ...

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