Chapter 1|| The Call

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Steven's Pov

I was about to call my younger cousin Czar but I was a little scared. What if she hates me after this? I asked pacing around my apartment while Wallace sat on the couch comfortably. "You have to calm down Steven. I'm sure she'll take this well." Wallace said trying to clam me down. "You don't even know her!" I exclaimed glaring at him as he just shrugged. I looked over to metagross and decided that I should take my chances. She needs to socialize. She can't stay in isolation forever. "I'm bringing her to Jhoto." I said boldly. "That's final. "Woah hold on. I just suggested to ask her to come here not bring her to a whole new region!" Wallace said shocked at what I had said. I picked up my Rotom Phone and called her ignoring what he had said. Before a second passed she answered. "Hello?" I heard her ask. "Hey Czar, Its me Steven." I told her smiling a bit that she picked up so quickly. We haven't seen each other since I became Champion because of my duties. "Ah, Steven! Its great to hear from you again? What is it this time? A new discovery?" She giggled. "No Czar but there is something I called you for." I replied with a small chuckle from her assumptions. We were alike in many ways. She enjoyed collecting gems and crystals. "Well then what is it?" She asked. Promise you won't hate me after this?" I asked before telling her. "Promise." She said. I felt a small smile on her face even through the phone. I sighed. "I'm taking you to the Jhoto region." There was a long pause both of us were quiet. Wallace was listening as well because my Rotom Phone was on speaker mode. "Ok, that was not what I expected you to say. But why? I love my life here and I'm fine." She replied confused. "You're not mad at me?" I asked. "Of course not Steven. You and Uncle Joseph are the only family I have left." I smiled at her response. "Where should we meet?" She asked.  "We can meet at the cafe we went to here in Mossdeep." I replied happily. "Sure! Plus the food there was delicious! I'd love to go there again!" She said. "Well then I'll see you soon!" I smiled. "See ya cuz!" She giggled again before ending the call. "That went better than I expected. You and your cousin must be close." Wallace commented. "Yeah. We are." I muttered to my self smiling.

Czar's Pov

I was totally fine with going to the Jhoto region. It wasn't that bad. I wanted to try socializing with people and pokemon. I wanted to make friends. I knew my birthday was coming soon but I rarely had someone other than my pokemon to celebrate. I also hoped to have the chance to meet this Trainer my older cousin spoke so fondly of. I think his name was Ash. I shrugged it all off with a smile. "Hey guys!" I called to my team. They all rushed over. I had a lot of dark type pokemon but they were my strongest. "We're going to the Jhoto region!" I smiled. They all cheered at my small announcement. I was quite excited myself. I wanted to see what other dark types there were in Jhoto. I sat down on the couch as Umbreon sat on my lap. I stroked her head and smiled softly. Surprisingly, I was excited for this new adventure.

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