Czar's Pov
We arrived in Mossdeep and I stood up. I slowly shook Umbreon and Lucario up and returned everyone else. "I guess this is good bye Serena." I said a little sadly. I just made a friend and we already had to go our separate ways. "You know you can come to my performance tomorrow." Serena said. "Really?! For sure! I'll be there. Where and what time?" I asked happily. She told me the place and time as I nodded remembering that. "I'll be rooting for you Serena." I smiled. "Where are you heading?" She asked. "To a cafe to meet Steven." I replied. "Oh. Well I'll see you tomorrow!" She waved walking off with her pokemon beside her. "I waved back smiling. I couldn't wait to tell Steven about this." I muttered. "You two seemed to have fun with Serena's pokemon. I toward the cafe and went inside. "Czar! You're here!" The familiar voice of my older cousin who was now in front of me called. "Its good to see you too Steven" I giggled. "So this is your cousin." I heard a voice say. We turned around to see a man with teal hair coming up to us. He must be Wallace. The gym leader of Sootopolis city. He specializes in water types. I thought. "Czarina this is Wallace." Steven introduced. I got a little bit nervous and stepped back a bit. Umbreon jumped off my shoulder and growled at Wallace lowly in a protective manner. He stepped back looking at Umbreon in fear. He seemed scared of her. My pokemon looked at me with a questioning glance. I shook my head as a no and she stopped. I was very nervous. I didn't know that Steven would bring someone I didn't know with him. "Its a pleasure to meet you Czarina." He said nodding his head interested. I looked at Steven with a "Why did you bring him?" expression. Steven shyly smiled. I raised a brow at him unimpressed. Wallace noticed what was going on between me and my older cousin. "Hey now. I wanted to come meet you. Steven didn't force me." He said trying to avoid a fight. I nodded. Steven sighed. "Thank you Wallace." "Why don't we have a seat so we can discuss this properly?" Wallace asked smiling at me. I knew he wanted me to speak but I just nodded. I didn't really feel like speaking to him. We took a seat. "So what town in Jhoto?" I asked calming down a bit more. If Steven trusted Wallace enough to bring him here I might as well. "What about Azalea Town?" Wallace asked. "There's a bug type gym there." "I was actually thinking. Do you want to go to Kanto instead? I mean there's a chance we could meet the trainer I told you about." Steven suggested. "You said he was strong. I want to see he really is that strong." I said. "But the question where is he?" Wallace asked. "Why don't we ask Professor Elm?" I suggested looking at the two of them. "I guess we're going to New Bark City." Steven smiled. "Can we leave any day but today or tomorrow?" I asked sheepishly. "Why?" He asked. "Because on the train I made a friend on the train and her performance is tomorrow." I replied. "Is she a performer?" Wallace asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Well then we can leave a day after the showcase." Steven smiled. "Thanks guys." I thanked. "And sorry about earlier Wallace. Umbreon was just being protective. We don't meet many people." I apologized. "No need to apologize. It just showed how strong the bond between you and your pokemon is." He said. I can't wait to see the show case tomorrow. I thought smiling to myself sipping my coffee.

Eclipse|| Pokemon x Oc
RomanceMy name is Czarina Dusk. I am the secret Dark type gym leader of Hoenn. I live with my Pokemon Lucario, Umbreon, Lycanroc, Hydreigon, Absol, and Houndoom. No one really knows about me and I like it that way. I don't want to be like my cousin Steven...