Chapter 4|| The Showcase

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Steven's Pov

We were at the showcase. We had our seats and it soon began. "There she is!" Czar smiled pointing at a girl. I smiled at her excitement. She looked like a kid who just saw fireworks for the first time. Wallace smiled at my cousin and looked at me. "She's never seen a showcase has she." He chuckled. I nodded. I put my attention on the girl performing. She was the same girl from Kalos. The one with Ash. I think her name is Serena? "Delphox flame burst!" She yelled spinning around. The fox followed her trainer's order. "Sylveon use moon blast, Pancham Dark Pulse!" She commanded. The two obeyed and it turned out with sparkles all around. One landed on Lucario's nose and he sneezed. I laughed at him and he laughed along. I got along well with Lucario without trouble because we were both alike. We had a calming and kind aura around ourselves though when it came to the ones we loved the most we would be fierce and bold. The bowed. We watched until they were announcing the winner. "And the winner is Princess Serena!" The guy said. Everyone clapped and we went outside. "That was amazing!" Czar smiled. "I must agree. All of the performers are very talented." Wallace agreed. "Czar!" A voice behind us yelled. "Serena! You were amazing." Czar smiled as Serena hugged her. Czar seemed shocked at her sudden action but returned the hug smiling softly. No one but me, my parents, and some of her old friends ever hugged her so this was new. The ended the hug a few seconds later. "Oh. Hello Steven you probably don't remember me but I'm Se-" I cut her off. "Serena Yvonne." I smiled. "I guess you do remember me." She giggled. "So what are your plans?" She asked. We were now walking down the street trying to avoid paparazzi. "We're going to New Bark City to see Professor Elm." Wallace responded. "Can I come along?" She asked. "If you want to. But don't you have showcases?" I asked. "I won't have a showcase for the next few weeks! Plus me and my pokemon need a break from training." She replied. "I guess I should get another ticket." I said.

Time skip

Serena's pov

We on the train to New Bark City. I was sitting beside Czar when I heard her sing. 

When can we do this again? When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
When can I see you again? 
Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you

Go see the world 'cause it's all so brand new
Don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine
It's just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There's something in the air you can't deny 
It's been fun but now I've got to go
Life it way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
I gotta know, 'til then,
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
I gotta know, when can I see you again?
(When can I see you again?)
Joined at the hip, yeah your sidekick needs you
Life is a trip down the road that leads you
Look all around at all the mountains you haven't climbed
It's just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There's something in the air you can't deny 
It's been fun but now I've got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
I gotta know, 'til then,
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
I gotta know,
When can I see you again? 
Don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine
It's just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There's something in the air you can't deny
So let me know before I wave goodbye 
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh 
Yeah, it's been fun but now I've got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
Tell me when
When can I see you again?
When can I see you again?
Tell me when
When can I see you again?

"You have a beautiful voice you know." I whispered smiling at her. "Thanks." She whispered back. "Pikachu where are you going?!" A familiar voice yelled. Ash's Pikachu hopped on my lap and nuzzled me. "Serena!?" Ash yelled. "Ash! Goh! Chloe! Its good to see you again!" I smiled at my friends. "Ash?" Wallace asked standing up from his seat. "Wallace? Your here too? What a coincidence!" Chloe smiled. "Hello Ash." Steven greeted. "Steven?!" Ash asked. From the corner of my eye I could see Czar's Umbreon looking at the eevee curiously. "Eon? Bre-Breon?" She squeaked. "Vee Evoi!" Chloe's Eevee smiled. He hopped  out of Chloe's arms and went over to his shiny dark type evolved form. (I don't know Eevee's gender and I don't want to call him an "it") "What is that?" Goh asked pointing to Umbreon. "This is Umbreon. I'm Czar and this is my partner Lucario." Czar said. He doesn't look like an Umbreon." Chloe said. "That's because she's a shiny Umbreon." I explained as Czar nodded. "She?!"  Ash, Chloe and Goh yelled. "That's so rare! Most Umbreons are male. Plus she's shiny so she's super rare!" Goh said amazed with anime stars shining in his eyes. Czar giggled at his excitement as he blushed a bit. Steven saw this and sent him a glare that said "Stay away from her" and Goh stopped blushing in fear of what Steven would do. I never thought Steven would be protective over someone. All I've seen is his kind and gentle side. I guess he's protective of her because she's been living in isolation her entire life. " I guess we don't have to go to Professor Elm anymore." Steven smiled. "Why were you going to Professor Elm anyways?" Chloe asked. "We were actually going to ask where you guys were. I told Czar quite a lot about you Ash. She wanted to meet you." Steven said as Czar nodded in agreement. "We never had a proper introduction. I'm Chloe Cerise and this is Eevee."  Chloe smiled. "I'm Goh!" The blue eyed boy said. "And I'm Ash!" Ash finished. "Its nice too meet you all." Czar shyly waved. She acted like this when we first met yesterday. This is really going to be an adventure. Here we go again!

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