my love

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Next day morning
Jk pov
I wake up and saw yn sleeping in my arms i can't believe this it felt like a dream for me i always wants her to be in my embrace finally it's happening! And i got up and pecked her on her lips she is so beautiful and i went down. To meet my hyung's
(BTS are living together in this mansion)
I went to living room to find my hyung's watch news of yn's missing I too went their and sat on the couch.
Namjoon spoke "what is yn doing? Is she alright?"
"She must be scared of him now! Do you think she will accept you? You are thinking so childishly jungkook" tae said in serious tone which made jungkook angry
"Hyung! I promise I make yn likes me too! And please look forward to it" he said sarcastically and left from their

Y/n pov
I Woke up and saw no one beside me and felt relief i went to washroom and came out and saw bunch of clothes arranged in front of me
"Miss, mr.jeon arranged this pick a pair. if you don't like this we have other cloths too" maid spoke
No need! Yn picked a random dress and wore it

I went downstairs but i didn't find jungkook but 6 guys are sitting on couch watching tv i think they are BTS and i Heard my name in tv and went towards them

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I went downstairs but i didn't find jungkook but 6 guys are sitting on couch watching tv i think they are BTS and i Heard my name in tv and went towards them. It is the news of me missing i am worried of soobin he must being went so much cause of me. I want to leave from here i cried and forgot that the 6 Guys are watching me.

"Don't cry yn...we know how you are feeling but trust us we didn't do anything to you! Actually jungkook loves you so much and he is afraid that you are dating rowoon that's why he kidnapped you but he wants to be sincere with you he was waiting for the correct time to confess you but everything went upside down" jimin said gently

Yn looked at him with teary eyes and said if love me how can someone hurts their loved one and i am sure that it's not love he is just obsessed with me don't call it love!!i hate him so much... i want to see my mom! How dare he threatened me that he will kill my mom!! She sobbed hard.

They all felt bad for her but they can't do anything. after listening to yn they are also confused that if jungkook really love her are just obsessed with her

Time skips
(at night)
Jungkook came back to mansion and asked the maids about her they said that she doesn't took a drop of water and she was crying all the day he ordered the maid to bring food to his room and he went to yn

Jk pov
My heart is aching...she is suffering because of me but i won't leave her! She will love me back one day and i am sure she will be happy!
I went to my room and saw yn sleeping and went to her and gently caressed her cheeks and leaned toward to peak her on lips but she suddenly opened her eyes and sit staright

Y/n pov
I was sleeping and suddenly i felt someone's breathing very near on my face and i opened my eyes to find that bastard is about to kiss me and i immediately waked up and sat straight
And i saw the maid bought food i think it's from me. he took the tray and the maid went out and he tried to feed me but i didn't bother to open my mouth.

"Babe...i am so sorry. If you are angry be anger with me not to food if you didn't eat how can you fight back against me now open your mouth and be a good girl" he said softly

But she doesn't bothered at all to open her mouth

"Babygirl~if you didn't eat now daddy will gave you a perfect punishment" he said while smirking

Yn gulped by his words

"Don't you belive your daddy then i will show you"

She immediately opened her mouth cause she know he will do whatever he want

That's my babygirl! Jk said and cleaned her mouth with tissue and pecked her plumpy lips

Time skips
After a week
(On wedding day)

Sorry if it's boring please be patience i will make it interesting....

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